Homework #11 Solution

$35.00 $24.00

1    Introduction   This assignment will practice  imperative  programming.     1.1     Getting The Homework Assignment   The starter files for the homework assignment have been distributed through our git repository,  as usual.     1.2     Submitting The Homework Assignment   Submissions will be handled through Autolab, at https://autolab.andrew.cmu.edu. To submit  your solutions,  run make…

You’ll get a: . zip file solution




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1    Introduction


This assignment will practice  imperative  programming.



1.1     Getting The Homework Assignment


The starter files for the homework assignment have been distributed through our git repository,  as usual.



1.2     Submitting The Homework Assignment


Submissions will be handled through Autolab, at https://autolab.andrew.cmu.edu.

To submit  your solutions,  run make from the hw/11 directory  (that con- tains a code folder). This should produce a file hw11.tar, containing the files that  should be handed  in for this homework assignment.  Open the Autolab web site, find the  page for this  assignment,  and submit  your hw11.tar file via the “Handin  your work” link.


This  homework  will be partially  autograded.   When  you  submit  your code some very basic tests  are run.  These are the public tests,  and you will immediately  see your score on these.  After the final submission deadline, we will run a more comprehensive suite of private tests on your code. Your final score will be a function of your public score, private  score, and any manual grading we perform.  Non-compiling code will automatically receive a 0.

All the  code that  you want  to  have  graded  for this  assignment  should be contained  in imperative.sml, and must  compile cleanly.  If you have a







function  that  happens  to be named  the  same as one of the  required  func- tions but does not have the required type, your code will not compile in our environment.





1.4     Methodology


Since you  are  implementing  modules,  we give you  the  signatures  for the modules.  The specs are in the signatures,  so you don’t need to write specs. However you still need to write testcases.

For example, for the factorial function presented  in lecture:  Please write tests  in a separate  testing  structure(s).

For example:


signature FOO =


val fact : int -> int end


structure Foo : FOO =


(* fact : int -> int

* REQUIRES: n >= 0

* ENSURES: fact(n) ==> n! *)

fun fact (0 : int) : int = 1

| fact (n : int) : int = n * fact(n-1)



structure FooTests =


val 1 = Foo.fact 0 val 6 = Foo.fact 3








2    The Only Constant  is Change


Arrays are a commonly used mutable  datastructure, especially in imperative languages.   While SML has its  own array  implementation in the  standard basis library,  we will task you to implement your own version of arrays.





We will represent arrays  as the type


datatype ’a array = A of int * (int -> ’a ref)


A value  A(n,f) of type  t array represents  an  array  of length  n using  a partial  function  f which maps any integer  0 to n-1 to an ’a ref reference cell containing  the element at that  index.

If we wish to change an element of A(n,f) at index i to the value x, we can use the following code: f i := x. Likewise, if we want the ith element of arr, we can use !(f i). If an index i is out of bounds, f i can do whatever it wants.   We provide an exception OutofBounds that  you can raise in this case.

Note:  Built-in  arrays  have constant-time access, but  because we are im- plementing  arrays with functions, we will allow accessing an element to take O(log n) time instead.






Task 2.1 (10 pts).  Implement the function


init array: int -> ’a -> ’a array


init array n a is a new array defined over the indices 0 through n − 1, with all elements initialized to a. Beware of aliasing : different elements need to be in different reference cells. Random access must have O(log(n)) work at most.




Task 2.2 (1 pts).  Implement the function


get : ’a array -> int -> ’a ref option







get a i returns  SOME( the i’th element of a) or NONE if it is out of bounds.

Task 2.3 (3 pts).


Implement the function


double len: ’a array -> ’a -> ’a array


double len arr n a is an  array  of length  2n with  the  exact  same first n elements and ref-cells as arr (such that  modifying an element in one will be reflected in the other).  The last n elements should be initialized to a. This new larger array should also have logarithmic work random access if arr has logarithmic  work random  access.


Task 2.4 (3 pts).  Implement the function


foldl: (’a ref * ’b -> ’b) -> ’b -> (’a array) -> ’b


foldl f b a returns  the value produced  by using f to combine all the ref- erences  in the  array  from left-to-right (in the  same order  as List.foldl). This should not change the state  of the array  unless f does.


Task 2.5 (3 pts).  Implement the function


expand: ’a array -> int -> ’a -> ’a array


expand a n x expands  a to a size of exactly  n, filling in the new elements with x (hint:  You know how to make arrays longer, and making them shorter is easy.)






Task 2.6 (8 pts).  Storing previous results in an array can make code faster. Implement the function


memo fib: unit -> int -> IntInf.int


where memo fib () returns  a function (let’s call that  function f), where f i is the ith Fibonacci  number  (starting at  0, 1).  For all i:int, f should only compute  the  value  of f i once, storing  the  result  in a array.   After  that,







calling f i should result  in looking up the  appropriate value in the  array. You should test that  your function is not exponential  time by running a test that  would take  too  long if it  was exponential-time. Hint:   memo fib () should return  a new function that  uses some local state.

Note: This function returns  IntInf.int which is like int except it can represent  arbitrarily large numbers  (which is useful for testing  fib).  This type uses the exact same type as int and supports  the same operations  (you can write out numerals, write + and *, etc.)  To use IntInf.int you just need to add at least one type annotation somewhere, such as (0 : IntInf.int) so that  it doesn’t accidentally  use int instead.



Searching Arrays


Let’s practice  different ways of searching an array  by writing Finds


Task 2.7 (2 pts).  Implement

findr:  (’a ref -> bool) -> ’a Array.array -> ’a ref option findr p a returns  (SOME applied to) a reference r from the array a such that

p r == true if one exists, NONE otherwise.


Task 2.8 (1 pts).  Implement

findv: (’a -> bool) -> ’a Array.array -> ’a ref option findv p a returns  (SOME applied  to)  a reference r from the  array  a such

that  p x == true for the  value x currently  stored  in r, if one exists, NONE



Task 2.9 (2 pts).  Implement

findv imp(’a -> bool) -> ’a Array.array -> ’a ref ref -> bool findv imp p a out searches  for a reference r from the  array  a such that

p x == true for the value x currently  stored in r. If such an element exists, findv stores it in out.  findv_imp returns  true iff it modified out, false otherwise.


Task 2.10  (2 pts).  Implement


containsr : ’a ref > ’a Array.array -> bool







containsr a r evaluates  to true iff the reference r is in the array a, false






See you at the final! Good luck, have fun!