15-150 Homework #12 Solution

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1    Introduction   This homework will give you the opportunity to work with lazy and imperative programming in SML.     1.1     Getting The Homework Assignment   The starter files for the homework assignment have been distributed through  our git repos- itory, as usual.     1.2     Submitting The Homework Assignment   Submissions will be…

You’ll get a: . zip file solution




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1    Introduction


This homework will give you the opportunity to work with lazy and imperative programming in SML.



1.1     Getting The Homework Assignment


The starter files for the homework assignment have been distributed through  our git repos- itory, as usual.



1.2     Submitting The Homework Assignment


Submissions will be handled  through  Autolab,  at




To  submit  your  solutions,  run  make from the  hw/12 directory  (that contains  a  code folder).  This should produce a file hw12.tar, containing  the files that  should be handed  in for this homework assignment.  Open the Autolab web site, find the page for this assignment, and submit  your hw12.tar file via the “Handin  your work” link.


The Autolab handin script does some basic checks on your submission:  making sure that the file names are correct; making sure that  no files are missing; making sure that  your code compiles cleanly.  Note that  the handin  script  is not  a grading script—a  timely submission that  passes the handin script will be graded, but will not necessarily receive full credit.  You can view the results  of the handin  script  by clicking the number  (usually  either  0.0 or 1.0) corresponding  to the  “check” section of your latest  handin  on the  “Handin  History”  page. If this number  is 0.0, your submission failed the check script; if it is 1.0, it passed.

There is no written  part  to this homework.


Your solutions must compile cleanly, and all functions you submit should have the correct type.  If you have  a function  that  happens  to  be named  the  same as one of the  required functions but  does not have the required type, it will not be graded.



1.3     Due Date




1.4     Methodology


You must  use the five step methodology  discussed in class for writing functions,  for every

function you write in this assignment.  Recall the five step methodology:


  1. In the first line of comments, write the name and type of the function.


  1. In the second line of comments, specify via a REQUIRES clause any assumptions about the arguments  passed to the function.


  1. In the third line of comments, specify via an ENSURES clause what  the function com- putes (what  it returns).


  1. Implement the function.


  1. Provide testcases, generally in the format

val <return value> = <function> <argument value>. For example, for the factorial function presented  in lecture:

(* fact : int -> int

* REQUIRES: n >= 0

* ENSURES: fact(n) ==> n!



fun fact (0 : int) : int = 1

| fact (n : int) : int = n * fact(n-1) (* Tests: *)

val 1 = fact 0

val 720 = fact 6


1.5     The SML/NJ Build System


We will be using several SML files in this assignment.  In order to avoid tedious and error- prone sequences of use commands,  the  authors  of the  SML/NJ compiler wrote a program that  will load and compile programs whose file names are given in a text  file. The structure CM has a function


val make: string -> unit


make reads a file usually named sources.cm with the following form:


Group is


$/basis.sml file1.sml file2.sml file3.sml


Loading your code using the REPL is simple. Launch SML in the directory containing  your work, and then:


$ sml

Standard ML of New Jersey v110.69 [built: Wed Apr 29 12:25:34 2009]

– CM.make “sources.cm”; [autoloading]

[library $smlnj/cm/cm.cm is stable]

[library $smlnj/internal/cm-sig-lib.cm is stable]


Simply call


CM.make “sources.cm”;


at  the  REPL  whenever you change your code instead  of a use command  like in previous assignments.  The compilation manager offers a better  interface to the command line. There is less typing and less of an issue with name shadowing between iterations  of your code. In short,  on this assignment,  the development cycle will be:


  1. Edit your source files.


  1. At the REPL, type



CM.make “sources.cm”;



  1. Fix errors and debug.


  1. If done, consider doing 251 homework; else go to 1.


Be warned that  CM.make will make a directory  in the current working directory  called .cm. This  is populated  with  metadata needed  to  work out  compilation  dependencies,  but  can become quite  large.   The  .cm directory  can  safely be  deleted  at  the  completion  of this assignment.

It’s sometimes the case that  the metadata in the .cm directory gets in to an inconsistent state—if you run CM.make with different versions of SML in the same directory, for example. This often produces bizarre error messages. When that  happens,  it’s also safe to delete the

.cm directory  and compile again from scratch.



1.5.1     Emphatic Warning


CM will not  return  cleanly if any  of the  files listed  in the  sources have no code in them. Because we want you to learn how to write modules from scratch,  we have handed out a few files that  are empty  except for a few place holder comments.  That  means that  there  are a few files in the sources.cm we handed  out that  are commented  out, so that  when you first get your tarball  CM.make “sources.cm” will work cleanly.

You must uncomment  these lines as  you  progress through the assignment!

If you forget,  it  will look like your code compiles cleanly even though  it  almost  certainly doesn’t.


2    Basic Imperative


A signature  DICT for “standard” dictionaries  is defined below:


signature ORDERED =


type t

val compare : t * t -> order end


signature DICT =


structure Key : ORDERED

type ’v dict


val empty : ’v dict

val insert : ’v dict -> (Key.t * ’v) -> ’v dict val lookup : ’v dict -> Key.t -> ’v option

val remove : ’v dict -> Key.t -> ’v dict end


Imagine a dictionary  that  keeps track  of the number  of times its keys have been looked up.  A “counting  dictionary”,  ascribing to the signature  COUNTING DICT below, can be built (using  the  function  build) by  inserting  a  list  of key-value  pairs  into  an  initially  empty dictionary.  A counting  dictionary  also supports  the additional  function:


hits : ’a dict -> Key.t -> int


where hits d k evaluates  to the number of times the key k has been successfully looked up (that is, the number  of times a key EQUAL to k has been looked up and its value returned) in the dictionary  d. When d has no key EQUAL to k, hits d k returns  0.


signature COUNTING_DICT =


structure Key : ORDERED

type ’a dict


val build : (Key.t * ’a) list -> ’a dict val lookup : ’a dict -> Key.t -> ’a option val hits : ’a dict -> Key.t -> int



We can implement a counting dictionary using an ordinary dictionary (ascribing to DICT), suitably  adjusted  to incorporate  references and imperative  programming.


Task 2.1 (20%). Implement a functor AddCounting that  takes a structure ascribing to DICT

and builds a structure ascribing to COUNTING DICT. You should not create a new datatype.


3    Infinite Lazy Lists


Recall from class the datatype for infinite lazy lists:


datatype ’a lazylist = Cons of ’a * (unit -> ’a lazylist)


Also recall the  function  show :  int -> ’a lazylist -> ’a list. These are specified in lazylist.sig and defined in lazylist.sml along with several other  functions that  might be useful for debugging.  We suggest you take a look at these files.


Given a function cmp :  ’a -> ’a -> order, we say that  a value L of type ’a lazylist is cmp-sorted if for all n ≥ 0, show n L evaluates  to a cmp-sorted finite list.  Recall that  a finite list is cmp-sorted iff each of its elements is less-than-or-equal  to the  elements further down the list according to cmp. So, putting  these definitions together,  an infinite lazy list is also cmp-sorted iff each of its elements is less-than-or-equal  to the elements further  down the lazy list.


Task 3.1 (10%). In lazy.sml, write an ML function


lazy_merge : (’a * ’a -> order) -> ’a lazylist -> ’a lazylist -> ’a lazylist


such that  for any type t, whenever L1 and L2 are cmp-sorted lazy lists of type t, and cmp compares elements of type t, lazy merge cmp L1 L2 evaluates  to a cmp-sorted lazy list of type t. Your function should have the property  that  for each n ≥ 0,


show n (lazy merge cmp L1 L2)


consists of the  n smallest  elements  from the  set of items belonging to L1 or L2.  Elements that  appear multiple times in one or both of the lazy lists should also appear multiple times in the merged lazy list.  Your function should keep the relative  ordering of elements within a lazy list intact,  and place the elements from L1 before L2 if they are equal according to cmp.




Task 3.2  (10%).  Merging two lists might be useful, but  what if we had more than  2 lists? What  if we had an infinite lazy list of lazy lists?  Combining all of them  into a sorted  lazy list would be interesting!  Write  the function


combine : (’a * ’a -> order) -> ’a lazylist lazylist -> ’a lazylist


such that  on input  L of cmp-sorted lazy lists,  combine evaluates  to a cmp-sorted lazy list. Your  function  should  have  any  property  that for each n ≥ 0, show n (combine cmp L) consists  of the  n smallest  elements  from the  set of items  belonging to  the  lazy lists in L. Similarly to merge, combine should keep the ordering of elements within  a lazy list intact, and place elements from earlier lazy lists first (when there are multiple  options).  To ensure that  combine is total,  we will require that  the lazy list consisting of the first elements of each lazy list in L is also cmp-sorted.  You can, and should, use this fact to your advantage. Can


you tell why we need this invariant (you do not need to turn  in an answer)?




Task 3.3  (10%).   Let’s prove that  the  set of all pairs  of natural numbers  (that is N2 ) is countable.   To do this,  we need to list every single pair of natural numbers  in some order. In lazy.sml, define the value pairs : int lazy list that  contains every pair of natural numbers  exactly once. pair should satisfy the following invariants:


  1. If (a1, a2) occurs before (b1, b2), then a1 + a2 <= b1 + b2,


  1. If (a1, a2) occurs before (b1, b2) and a1 + a2 = b1 + b2, then a1 < b1,


  1. If a1 : int >= 0 and a2 : int >= 0, then (a1, a2) occurs in pairs. According to these invariants, show 10 pairs should look like:



To do this task, you might find LazyList.iterate and combine functions useful.


4    Memoization


4.1     Introduction


In the absence of effects, a function will always evaluate  to the same value when applied to the same arguments.  Therefore, applying a particular function to the same arguments  more than once will often result in needless work. Memoization is a simple optimization that helps to avoid this inefficiency.

The idea is that  you equip a function with some data  structure that  maps the arguments that  the function has been called on to the results  produced.  Then,  whenever the function is applied to any arguments, you first check to see if it has been applied to those arguments previously:  if it has, the cached result  is used instead  of computing  a new one; if it hasn’t, the computation is actually  performed and the result is cached before being returned.

If you think of a graph of a function as a set of (input, output)  pairs, rather  than a doodle on a piece of paper representing  such a set, this mapping  is really storing the subset of the graph  of its  associated  function  that  has  been revealed  so far.   The  optimization  should let us compute  each (input, output)  pair in the graph  exactly once and refer to the already discovered graph for inputs  we need more than  once.



4.2     Case Study: Fibonacci


We will work through  implementing  this idea using the familiar Fibonacci function as a case study.  Recall the na¨ıve implementation of the Fibonacci sequence, provided in fib.sml:1


signature FIBO =


(* on input n, computes the nth Fibonacci number *)

val fib : IntInf.int -> IntInf.int end


structure Fibo : FIBO =


fun fib (n : IntInf.int) : IntInf.int =

case n

of 0 => 0

| 1 => 1

| _ => fib(n-2) + fib(n-1)



1 Note  that this  code uses the  built  in SML/NJ type  for very large integers,  IntInf.int. This  will let you run both  this version of Fibonacci  and the memoized versions you’ll write in the next two tasks on very large input.   The  memoized  version  you write  in 3.1 should  be able to compute  the  thousandth Fibonacci number  in a couple of seconds, for instance.


Task 4.1 (15%). Finish the MemoedFibo functor in memo.sml by writing a memoized version of Fibonacci.

You should  represent  the  (input, output)  mapping  using a reference containing  a per- sistent  dictionary  of type  D.dict, where D is the  argument  to MemoedFibo. The  mapping should be shared  between all calls to MemoedFibo.fib, so that  results  are reused between multiple  top-level calls.

If you don’t know where to start,  one good strategy  is to use a pair of mutually  recursive functions (using the keyword and): make one function in the pair the fib function required by the signature; make the other function responsible for checking and updating  the mapping. The benefit to this strategy  is that  it lets you separate  memoizing from the function being memoized.


Task 4.2  (5%).   Instead  of hand-rolling  a  new version  of every  function  that   we’d like to  memoize, it  would be nice to  have  a higher  order  function  that  produces  a memoized version of any function.  A totally  reasonable—but wrong—first attempt at writing such an automatic memoizer is shown in Figure 1.


functor PoorMemoizer (D : DICT) : POORMEMOIZER =


structure D = D


fun memo (f : D.Key.t -> ’a) : D.Key.t -> ’a =


val hist : ’a D.dict ref = ref D.empty


fun f_memoed x =

case D.lookup (!hist) x of SOME(b) => b

| NONE =>


val res = f x

val _ = (hist := D.insert (!hist) (x,res))


res end








f_memoed end




Figure 1: A Poor Memoizer


What  is wrong with this code? For example, apply the functor and use it to memoize an implementation of Fibonacci.  You should observe that  it is much slower than the hand-rolled version you wrote.  Why?  Put  your answer in a comment in memo.sml.


Task 4.3 (20%). Finish the Memoizer functor in memo.sml by writing an automatic memo- izer that  doesn’t have the problems of the PoorMemoizer.

Notice that  Memoizer ascribes to a different  signature  than  PoorMemoizer. Functions that  can be memoized by Memoizer take a new argument:  rather  than  having type


D.Key.t -> ’a


they have type


(D.Key.t -> ’a) -> (D.Key.t -> ’a)


or, parenthesized  slightly differently:


(D.Key.t -> ’a) -> D.Key.t -> ’a


You should assume that  your input  to the memoizer is the result of the following trans- formation:  take  the  text  of an un-memoized recursive function;  add a new first argument; everywhere in the text  of that  function where you used to make a recursive call, apply that new first argument to the arguments  of the recursive call.

Also, when the memoized function m is called on arguments  that  have already been seen, the work of this function  Wm(n)  should be within  a constant factor of WD.lookup(n), where WD.lookup(n) is the work of the dictionary  lookup function D.lookup.


Task 4.4 (10%). Finish the structure AutoMemoedFibo ascribing to FIBO using your Memoizer functor.   This  will let you test  your Memoizer structure to make sure that  you solved the problem.

The Fibonacci implementation produced by your Memoizer function should be very nearly as fast as the hand-rolled  version in MemoedFibo.  Make sure that  the fib that  you provide does as little repeated  work as possible.


Task 4.5 (0%). What  happens if you use Memoizer to memoize a function that  has effects? In particular, what happens  if you memoize a function that  prints  things?  You do not need to turn  in an answer for this task.



4.3     Foreshadowing


The above uses of memoization are instances of a larger technique  called dynamic program- ming; you’ll learn more about  it in 15-210. The key idea is to find problems that  do a lot of redundant work and use space to cache that  work and save time.   The  na¨ıve Fibonacci implementation and LCS implementation both take exponential  time; when memoized, both take polynomial time.