15-150 Homework #8 Solution

$35.00 $24.00

1    Introduction   1.1     Getting The Homework Assignment   The starter files for the homework assignment have been distributed through  our git repos- itory, as usual.     1.2     Submitting The Homework Assignment   Submissions will be handled  through  Autolab,  at   https://autolab.cs.cmu.edu   In preparation for submission, your hw/08 directory  should contain  a file…

You’ll get a: . zip file solution




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1    Introduction


1.1     Getting The Homework Assignment


The starter files for the homework assignment have been distributed through  our git repos- itory, as usual.



1.2     Submitting The Homework Assignment


Submissions will be handled  through  Autolab,  at




In preparation for submission, your hw/08 directory  should contain  a file named exactly

hw08.pdf containing  your written  solutions to the homework.

To submit your solutions, run make from the hw/08 directory (that contains a code folder and a file hw08.pdf). This should produce a file hw08.tar, containing  the files that  should be handed  in for this homework assignment.   Open the Autolab  web site, find the page for this assignment,  and submit  your hw08.tar file via the “Handin  your work” link.


The Autolab handin script does some basic checks on your submission:  making sure that the file names are correct; making sure that  no files are missing; making sure that  your code compiles cleanly.  Note that  the handin  script  is not  a grading script—a  timely submission that  passes the handin script will be graded, but will not necessarily receive full credit.  You can view the results  of the handin  script  by clicking the number  (usually  either  0.0 or 1.0) corresponding  to the  “check” section of your latest  handin  on the  “Handin  History”  page. If this number  is 0.0, your submission failed the check script; if it is 1.0, it passed.

Remember  that  your written  solutions  must  be submitted in PDF  format—we  do not accept MS Word files or other formats.

You should put the code for each part  in the files specified. Do  not change any of the provided signatures.


1.3     Due Date




1.4     Methodology


You must  use the five step methodology  discussed in class for writing functions,  for every

function you write in this assignment.  Recall the five step methodology:


  1. In the first line of comments, write the name and type of the function.


  1. In the second line of comments, specify via a REQUIRES clause any assumptions about the arguments  passed to the function.


  1. In the third line of comments, specify via an ENSURES clause what  the function com- putes (what  it returns).


  1. Implement the function.


  1. Provide testcases, generally in the format

val <return value> = <function> <argument value>. For example, for the factorial function presented  in lecture:

(* fact : int -> int

* REQUIRES: n >= 0

* ENSURES: fact(n) ==> n!



fun fact (0 : int) : int = 1

| fact (n : int) : int = n * fact(n-1) (* Tests: *)

val 1 = fact 0

val 720 = fact 6




1.5     The SML/NJ Build System


We will be using several SML files in this assignment.  In order to avoid tedious and error- prone sequences of use commands,  the  authors  of the  SML/NJ compiler wrote a program that  will load and compile programs whose file names are given in a text  file. The structure CM has a function


val make: string -> unit


make reads a file usually named sources.cm with the following form:


Group is


$/basis.sml file1.sml file2.sml file3.sml


Loading your code using the REPL is simple. Launch SML in the directory containing  your work, and then:


$ sml

Standard ML of New Jersey v110.75 [built: Fri Feb 8 12:33:48 2013]

– CM.make “sources.cm”; [autoloading]

[library $smlnj/cm/cm.cm is stable]

[library $smlnj/internal/cm-sig-lib.cm is stable]


Simply call


CM.make “sources.cm”;


at  the  REPL  whenever you change your code instead  of a use command  like in previous assignments.  The compilation manager offers a better  interface to the command line. There is less typing and less of an issue with name shadowing between iterations  of your code. In short,  on this assignment,  the development cycle will be:


  1. Edit your source files.


  1. At the REPL, type


CM.make “sources.cm”;


  1. Fix errors and debug.


  1. If done, consider doing 251 homework; else go to 1.


Be warned that  CM.make will make a directory  in the current working directory  called .cm. This  is populated  with  metadata needed  to  work out  compilation  dependencies,  but  can become quite  large.   The  .cm directory  can  safely be  deleted  at  the  completion  of this assignment.

It’s sometimes the case that  the metadata in the .cm directory gets in to an inconsistent state—if you run CM.make with different versions of SML in the same directory, for example. This often produces bizarre error messages. When that  happens,  it’s also safe to delete the

.cm directory  and compile again from scratch.


1.5.1     Emphatic Warning


CM will not  return  cleanly if any  of the  files listed  in the  sources have  no code in them. Because we want you to learn how to write modules from scratch,  we have handed out a few files that  are empty  except for a few place holder comments.  That  means that  there  are a few files in the sources.cm we handed  out that  are commented  out, so that  when you first get your tarball  CM.make “sources.cm” will work cleanly.

You must uncomment  these lines as  you  progress through the assignment!

If you forget,  it  will look like your code compiles cleanly even though  it  almost  certainly doesn’t.


2    Exceptionally confusing code


In exceptions.sml, you’ll find an implementation of factorizer.  factorizer takes in an integer (greater  than  1), and returns  an integer list representing  its prime factorization.  For example, factorizer 42 = [2, 3, 7]. factorizer also is supposed to raise an exception (Prime) if it is given a prime-number  argument in its top-level call. Trouble  is, factorizer doesn’t work.


Task 2.1 (5%). Find the bug in exceptions.sml and fix it.  In the top comment in the file, write a short description  of the bug and your fix.



3    Exceptions 2:  Electric Boogaloo


Now that  you’ve had the chance to read over some exceptional code, it’s time to write some! Recall our definition of n-ary  trees:


datatype ’a ntree = Empty

| Node of ’a * ’a ntree list


You’ve seen many  implementations of the  find function  on binary  trees  before, where find p T evaluates  to a subtree  of T whose root satisfies p. Now we extend this function to work with our n-ary  trees, using exceptions!


Task 3.1  (15%).  Implement find, in the file treefind.sml, using the exception-handling style.  find p T should raise NoSubtree if no subtree  of T has a root whose node satisfies p, and should evaluate  to a subtree of T whose root satisfies p otherwise, under the assumption that  p is total.


4    Like  pancakes, but less  delicious


One of the  benefits of using functors  is that we can apply a similar interface  to structures which operate  on different  underlying  types,  or which implement  the  same behavior  with very different code.  For example, suppose we wanted  a stack  data  structure.  A stack  is a simple ordered collection of elements with two basic interactions.  We can push an element onto the stack, and we can pop an element off of the stack.  Note that  stacks are LIFO (Last In, First  Out).   The  elements  we pushed  onto the  stack  most recently  are the  first to pop off. We could write a different stack structure for each type of stack we want, but if we want any cool functions that  let us interact  with our stack in different ways, this could get really tedious.   So instead,  we use a functor  that  lets us apply  the  same basic stack  interface  to integers, strings, books, pancakes, or anything  else!


In  this  section,  you’ll be doing just  that!    You’ll find the  STACK signature  in the  file stack.sig. Here’s a description  of the  behavior  that  you, our fantastic  library-writer, are expected to implement for each function:


  1. empty should evaluate to a stack which represents your implementation’s empty stack.


  1. push should take the passed stacktype and evaluate to the stack passed with it pushed onto the top.


  1. pop should take the  passed  stack and  evaluate  to  the  tuple  representing  the  stack after the top element is removed, and the top element itself. Be careful with how you handle the empty stack, as you must still ascribe to the STACK signature.  In particular, you can’t evaluate  to an option  type (as this  wouldn’t obey the  type outlined  in the signature),  and you can’t evaluate  to a dummy  value (because  you don’t know what an appropriate dummy value is for an arbitrary type and usage), so you must raise an exception.  We’ve given you the appropriate exception in the signature.


  1. flip should flip its given stack. That is, the first element to pop off the original stack should now be the last element to pop off of the new stack, and vice versa.


  1. append should take two stacks, S1, S2, and put S1 on top of S2. So append (S1, S2)

= S, where S2 is a substack  of S, and  flip S1 is a substack  of flip (append (S1, S2)). We define a substack  as follows: S is a substack  of S, and if (e, S’) = pop S, then S’ is a substack  of S and all substacks  of S’ are substacks  of S.


  1. find (S, p) should find the largest substack  of S which has a top  element  V, such that  p V is true,  and evaluate  to that  substack.



Task 4.1  (10%).  Write  the  code for this  functor  in the  file stacks.sml. You’ll note that we’ve included a signature,  TYPEDEF, in the file TYPEDEF.sig.  You might find this handy.


The  easiest  way  to  test  your  stack  implementation  is to  write  another   structure  in stacks.sml. This  structure can  then  contain  various  stacks  and  tests  of their  behavior. So a possible stacks.sml file might look like this:


functor Stack(T : TYPEDEF) : STACK =


… end


structure StackTests =





5    What’s in  a queue?


After stacks,  the  next  logical data  structure to talk  about  is obviously queues.  This time, however, we’ve already implemented  the structure for you! So, for twenty-five points, please prove that  we did it right.



5.1     Motivation


One key advantage of abstract types  is that  they  enable local reasoning  about invariants : if there  is an invariant about  the  values of an abstract type—e.g.  “this  tree is a red-black tree”—and  all of the  operations  in a particular implementation of the  signature  specifying that  type preserve that  invariant—e.g.  “insert creates a red-black tree when given a red-black tree”—then any client code using that  implementation necessarily maintains  the invariant. The reason is that  clients can only use the abstract type through  the operations  given the signature,  so if these operations  preserve the invariant all client code must as well.

In this problem, we will investigate a related question, allowing us to reason about several different implementations of the same abstract type.  Specifically, we want to know:


When can you replace one implementation of a signature  with another  without breaking any client code?


The  answer is not  as immediate  as it may seem.  Assuming all types in the  signature  are abstract, swapping implementations will produce a program that  still typechecks; it may or may not, however, be correct.

Informally, the answer is that  you can swap implementations when they behave the same.



5.2     Queues


To give you some practice with proving that  two implementations of a signature  behave the same, we’ve given you the following signature  and implementation for queues:



5.2.1     Signature


signature QUEUE=


type queue

val emp : queue

val ins : int * queue -> queue

val rem : queue -> (int * queue) option end


In this signature,1


1 Provided  in queues.sml.


  • emp represents the empty queue.


  • ins adds an element to the back of a queue.


  • rem removes the element at the front of the queue and returns it with the remainder of the queue (wrapped in a SOME), or NONE if the queue is empty.


Taken together, these three values codify the familiar “first-in-first-out” behaviour of a queue.



5.2.2     Implementations


We have given two implementations of this signature  in the file queues.sml.


LQ The first implementation represents  a queue with a list where the first element of the list is the front of the queue.


New elements  are inserted  by being appended  to  the  end  of the  list.   Elements  are removed by being pulled off the head of the list.  If the list is empty,  we know that  the queue is empty,  so the removal fails.


This  implementation is slow in that  insertion  is always a linear time  operation—we have to walk down the whole list each time we add a new element.


Note that  we also could have chosen to have front of the queue be the last element of the list, but  then  removal would be linear time and we’d have the same problem—we can’t escape the fact that  one of these operations  will be constant time and the other will be linear.


LLQ The second implementation represents  a queue with a pair of lists.  One list stores the front of the  queue, while the  other  list stores the  back of the  queue in reverse order. The split between “front”  and “back”  here can be anywhere in the queue; it depends on the sequence of operations  that  have been applied to the queue.


New elements are inserted by being put at the head of the reversed back of the queue. Elements  are removed in one of two ways:


  1. If the front list is not empty, the front of the queue is its head, so we peel it off and return it.


  1. If the front list is empty, we reverse the reversed back list—now bringing it into order—make that the new front list, take an empty  list as the back list, and try remove again on the pair of them.


If both  the  front  and reversed back are empty,  we know that  the  queue is empty,  so the removal fails.


If we assume  that   reverse  is implemented  efficiently, this  implementation needs  to do a linear time operation  on removal sometimes but  not every time.  Therefore,  this represents a substantial speed up in the average case over the one-list implementation.2


To get an intuition  for how these  implementations work consider the  following actions linked together  in sequence, stated  formally in queue ex.sml:


hins 1, ins 2, ins 3, rem, ins 4, rem, rem, rem, remi


Figure 1 shows the internal  state  of each representation through  this sequence.



5.2.3     Relation


The relation that  shows these two implementations are interchangeable flattens the two-lists representation into the one list representation.  Formally,  we define a relation  between int lists and pairs of int lists as


R(l:int list, (f,b):int list * int list)       iff       l = f @(rev b)


and R respects equivalence in that  if l = l0, (f, b) = (f 0, b0), and R(l, (f,b)) then R(l’, (f’,b’)).

Showing that  this  relation  is respected  by both  implementations for all the  values  in

QUEUE amounts  to proving the following theorem:


Theorem 1.


(i.)  The empty queues are related:



R(LQ.emp, LLQ.emp)




(ii.)  Insertion  preserves relatedness:


For  all x:int, l:int list, f:int list, b:int list



If R(l, (f,b)), then R(LQ.ins(x,l), LLQ.ins(x,(f,b)))



(iii.)  On related queues, removal gives equal integers  and related queues:


For all l:int list, f:int list, b:int list, if R(l, (f,b)) then exactly one of the following is true:


(a)  LQ.rem l = NONE and LLQ.rem (f,b) = NONE


(b)  There exist x:int, y:int, l’:int list, f’:int list, b’:int list, such that


2 In particular, you can show that if you can reverse a list in linear time, the two-lists implementation has amortized constant time insert  and remove, while the one-list implementation will always have at  least one operation  that’s  always linear  time.  We won’t cover amortized analysis  in this  class, but  it’s based  on the idea of “expensive  things  that don’t happen  very often can be considered  cheap.”


  1. LQ.rem l = SOME(x,l’)
  2. LLQ.rem (f,b) = SOME(y,(f’,b’))

iii.  x = y

  1. R(l’, (f’,b’))



Task 5.1 (25%). Prove Theorem  1. Here are some guidelines, hints,  and assumptions:


  • Be sure to carefully state your assumptions and goals in each case, especially the two cases where you’re proving an implication.


  • You may use the following lemmas without proof, but you must carefully cite all uses.


Lemma 1.  For  all types t, and l1:t list, l2:t list, l3:t list,


(l1 @ l2) @ l3 = l1 @ (l2 @ l3) Lemma 2.  For  all types t, and l:t list, [] @ l = l Lemma 3.  For  all types t, and l:t list, l @ [] = l

Lemma 4.  For  all values x:int, y:int, p:int list, q:int list, if x::p = y::q, then x = y and p = q

  • You may assume without proof that @, rev, and all of the functions in both structures are total,  however you should cite these facts if you use them.


  • When you need to step through code, assume that @ and rev are given by 3


infix @

fun (l1 : ’a list) @ (l2 : ’a list) : ’a list =

case l1

of [] => l2

| x::xs => x::(xs @ l2)


fun rev (l : ’a list) : ’a list=

case l

of [] => []

| x::xs => (rev xs) @ [x]


3 This implementation of rev is not the fast reverse given by


foldl op:: []


but  it is equivalent to it.  All you would need to go from a proof of Theorem  1 for LLQ with this slow reverse to  a proof for LLQ with  fast  reverse  is a proof of their  equivalence,  so we don’t  really  lose anything.  The proof of Theorem  1 is substantially more straight-forward this way, so it’s a nice assumption to make.


  • From the structure of the code, we can see that LLQ.rem results in at most one recursive call to LLQ.rem, so you do not need induction  to prove case (iii).


  • When proving an existentially quantified statement, remember to explicitly instantiate each existentially quantified  variable.







→ 1                                           → 2                  → 3                 → 4                 → NONE


























        1   2   2   3   3
    1   2   3   3   4   4   4


→                     →












→ 1                                            → 2                  → 3                 → 4                 → NONE




























              2     2   2         2                        
        1     1     1   3         3 4   3 4     4          
f b   f b   f b   f b   f   b     f b   f b   f b   f b   f









3                                                                                                   4

f       b                                                                                           f       b











Figure 1: Queue Example


6    Learning to read, the hard way


In the dict.sig file we extend the signature  of dictionaries  from lab and lecture:


signature DICT =



structure Key : ORDERED


type ’v dict


val empty : ’v dict


val insert : ’v dict -> (Key.t * ’v) -> ’v dict val lookup : ’v dict -> Key.t -> ’v option

val remove : ’v dict -> Key.t -> ’v dict val map : (’u -> ’v) -> ’u dict -> ’v dict

val filter : (’v -> bool) -> ’v dict -> ’v dict end

The components  of the signature  have the following specifications:


  • Key : ORDERED defines the ordering  of the  keys in the  dictionary.   The signature  for ORDERED can be found in the  file order.sml. A structure which ascribes to ORDERED comtains a type, t, and a comparison function compare, for that  type.


  • for a type v, a v dict is a type representing a dictionary mapping keys of type Key.t

to values of type v


  • empty is a dictionary that contains  no mappings.


  • insert is a function that  takes  a  dictionary  and  a  key-value  pair  and  returns  the dictionary  with the mapping added.  If the key is already mapped to a value, the value in the dictionary  should be replaced by the argument value.


  • lookup is a function that takes a dictionary and a key, and returns  SOME v if that key maps to the value v in the dictionary,  or NONE if there is no mapping from the key.


  • remove is a function that takes a dictionary and a key and returns  the dictionary  with the mapping  for that  key removed.  If the key isn’t mapped  to a value, the mappings in the result dictionary  should be unchanged.


  • map is a function that takes a function g of type u -> v and a dictionary with values of type u and returns  the dictionary  with values of type v such that  if a key is mapped to x by the argument dictionary  then it is mapped  to g x by the result dictionary.


  • filter is a function that takes a function p of type v -> bool and a dictionary d with values of type v and returns  the dictionary  d’ such that


–  if a key is mapped  to v by d (the  old dictionary), then  either  the key is mapped to v by d’ and p v evaluates  to true or there  is no mapping  for the  key in d’ and p v evaluates  to false

–  if a key is mapped to v by d’ (the new dictionary), then it was mapped to v in d.




Task 6.1 (20%). In the file fundict.sml, write a functor FunDict that  takes a structure as- cribing to the ORDERED signature and yields a structure ascribing to the above DICT signature using the following definition for ’v dict:


datatype ’v func = Func of (Key.t -> ’v option)


type ’v dict = ’v func


That  is, we represent a dictionary  as a function from keys to value options.  The intention is that,  when applied to a key k, this function returns SOME v iff k maps to v in the dictionary, and it returns  NONE iff k is not in the dictionary.  Your functor should go in fundict.sml.


Task 6.2  (25%).  In the  file treedict.sml, write a functor  TreeDict that  takes  a struc- ture  ascribing to the ORDERED signature  and yields a structure ascribing to the above DICT signature  using the following definition for ’v dict:


datatype (’k, ’v) tree = Empty

| Node of ((’k, ’v) tree * (’k * ’v) * (’k, ’v) tree)

type ’v dict = (Key.t, ’v) tree


The main difference here is that  we represent the dictionary  as a binary search tree (note, this  is not  just  any  ordinary  binary  tree),  where the  nodes contain  key-value pairs.   Note that  you follow the same signature that  you did for FunDict, and are implementing  the same behavior (from the client’s perspective)  as you did in FunDict.


The file dictclient.sml has some tests  for the components  of the dictionary  functors. You can type use “dictclient.sml” at the REPL after you call CM.make to run these tests. By default,  it uses the FunDict functor you wrote.  You may extend these tests to test your implementation of TreeDict.