Solved-Assignment 03 object -solution

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proObjects : Objects and Classes. Note that there are 101 points offered. If you score 101, you get 1 point extra-credit. Review Exercises: 3 points each. Starting on page 405 of textbook Big Java. Place your answers in ReviewExercises.txt located in the root of this project. R8.1 Encapsulation R8.4 Public interface R8.7 Instance versus static…

You’ll get a: . zip file solution




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proObjects : Objects and Classes. Note that there are 101 points offered. If you
score 101, you get 1 point extra-credit.

Review Exercises: 3 points each. Starting on page 405 of textbook Big Java. Place your answers in
ReviewExercises.txt located in the root of this project.

R8.1 Encapsulation
R8.4 Public interface
R8.7 Instance versus static
R8.8 Mutator and accessor
R8.9 Implicit parameter
R8.10 Implicit parameter
R8.12 Constructors
R8.16 Instance variables
R8.19 The this reference
R8.20 Zero, null, false, empty String

Programming Exercises: Name your packages according to the Programming Exercise identifier, except
replace the period with underscore. You will want a Driver class (with a static main() method) to drive your program.
See package P0_2 for an example.

7 points each
P8.1 microwave control panel
P8.5 SodaCan
P8.6 Car
P8.7 ComboLock
P8.8 VotingMachine

12 points each
P8.14 Country
P8.16 Email
P8.19 Canonball