Assignment #1 Solution

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Please submit this assignment via GradeScope at . Be sure to identify ev-eryone in your group if you’re making a group submission. (Reminder: groups can include a maximum of three students; we strongly encourage groups of two.) Submit by the deadline Monday 22 Jan at 10PM. For credit, your group must make a single…

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Please submit this assignment via GradeScope at . Be sure to identify ev-eryone in your group if you’re making a group submission. (Reminder: groups can include a maximum of three students; we strongly encourage groups of two.)

Submit by the deadline Monday 22 Jan at 10PM. For credit, your group must make a single submission via one group member’s account, marking all other group members in that submission using GradeScope’s interface . Your group’s submission must:

ˆ Be on time.

ˆ Consist of a single, clearly legible le uploadable to GradeScope with clearly indicated solutions to the problems. (PDFs produced via LATEX, Word, Google Docs, or other editing software work well. Scanned documents will likely work well. High-quality photographs are OK if we agree they’re legible.)

ˆ Include prominent numbering that corresponds to the numbering used in this assignment handout (not the individual quizzes). Put these in order starting each problem on a new page, ideally. If not, very clearly and prominently indicate which problem is answered where!

ˆ Include at the start of the document the e-mail addresses of each member of your team. (Please do NOT include your name on the assignment, however.1)

ˆ Include at the start of the document the statement: “All group members have read and followed the guidelines for academic conduct in CPSC 320. As part of those rules, when collaborating with anyone outside my group, (1) I and my collaborators took no record but names (and GradeScope information) away, and (2) after a suitable break, my group created the assignment I am submitting without help from anyone other than the course sta.” (Go read those guidelines!)

ˆ Include at the start of the document your outside-group collaborators’ IDs, but not their names. (Be sure to get those IDs when you collaborate!)

1 Looping Back to Asymptotic Analysis

Before we begin, a few notes on pseudocode throughout CPSC 320: Your pseudocode need not compile in any language, but it must communicate your algorithm clearly, concisely, correctly, and without irrelevant detail. Reasonable use of plain English is ne in such pseudocode. You should envision your audience as a capable CPSC 320 student unfamiliar with the problem you are solving. If you choose to use actual code, note that you may neither include what we consider to be irrelevant detail nor assume that we understand the particular language you chose. (So, for example, do not write #include <iostream> at the start of your pseudocode, and avoid idiosyncratic features of your language like Java’s ternary (question-mark-colon) operator.)

1 If you don’t mind private information being stored outside Canada and want an extra double-check on your identity, include your student number rather than your name.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

For license purposes, the author is the University of British Columbia.
In this problem, if you need to work with indexes, assume 0-based indexing, i.e., the rst element of an array A of length n is A[0] while the last is A[n 1].

Answer each of the following:

1. What common algorithm would you use to nd “a given target value” in an unordered array?

2. What common algorithm would you use to nd “a given target value” in a sorted array?

3. NOT GRADED (just for practice): Assume we are totalling the values in the array (to nd the average) and that the values are integers. Assume that it takes (lg x) bits to represent an integer x

and that the largest value in the array m is big, i.e., n m. Give a good asymptotic big-O bound on the number of bits needed to represent the total. Show your work.

4. Complete the pseudocode function below for an algorithm that runs in worst-case linear time and nds “a pair of values summing to a given target value” in a sorted array. You may assume as a precondition that such a pair must exist in the array.

READ THE NEXT TWO PARTS and ensure your algorithm will work correctly with them.

/ Given a sorted array A containing at least one pair of values

/ v1 and v2 such that v1 + v2 = target, returns such a pair (v1, v2).

FindPair(A, target):

5. Describe how if given a length n, you could produce an input array A of that length and a target value target such that your FindPair algorithm will run in constant time, independent of n.

6. NOT GRADED (just for practice): Describe how if given a length n, you could produce an input array A of that length and a target value target such that your FindPair algorithm will run (n) time, i.e., describe worst-case input to your algorithm.

7. Complete the pseudocode function below for an algorithm that runs in worst-case linear time and

nds “the three smallest values” in an unordered array (of length 3). Your code must be trivial to modify to nd the 4, 5, 6, or any other constant number c smallest values in the array.

/ Return the three smallest values in A as (v1, v2, v3), where v1

/ is the smallest, v2 the 2nd smallest, and v3 the 3rd smallest. FindSmallestThree(A):

8. NOT GRADED (just for practice): Describe briey in English a worst-case linear-time algorithm to determine whether any value is repeated in a sorted array.

9. Briey justify why no algorithm for nding the smallest three elements in an unordered array can perform better in the case where the input happens to be (but is not known to be) sorted.

2 All Tied Up

Reminders: STP is SMP except where ties are allowed in preference lists.

A strong instability in a perfect matching consists of a woman w and a man m such that w and m both

(strictly) prefer each other to their current partner.

A weak instability in STP is one of:

ˆ a strong instability (i.e., every strong instability is also a weak instability),

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. For license purposes, the author is the University of British Columbia.
ˆ a woman w and man m such that w prefers m to her partner and m is indierent between w and his partner, or

ˆ a man m and woman w such that m prefers w to his partner and w is indierent between m and her partner.

Now, solve these problems:

1. Give a good reduction from STP to SMP.

In particular, you should identify an algorithm TransformInstance that takes an instance of SMP and transforms it into an instance of SMP, an algorithm TransformSolution that transforms the solution of such an SMP instance back into a solution to the original STP instance. (You may assume TransformSolution has access to the original STP instance and any data it needs from

TransformInstance .)

You’re not supplying an algorithm to solve SMP. That’s not part of a reduction from STP to SMP! BE SURE that your solution works for the next part.

2. Prove that your reduction (combined with an arbitrary algorithmwhich is not necessarily Gale-Shapleythat produces stable SMP solutions) produces STP solutions with no strong instabilities.

As is often the case, you will likely want to approach the proof via the contrapositive: a strong instability in the STP solution implies an instability in the SMP solution.

3. NOT GRADED (just for practice): Describe a way to create an STP instance of an arbitrary size n that has n! solutions without strong instabilities.

4. NOT GRADED (just for practice): Give a small instance I of STP and a solution P to I in which: every woman is indierent between m1 and m2; m1 ranks w1 rst (tied with no one); m2 ranks w1 last (tied with no one); P has no strong instabilities; and m2 marries w1 in P .

5. Give a small instance I of STP for which every valid solution has a weak instability. Briey explain why every valid solution has a weak instability.

6. We might try to modify the Gale-Shapley algorithm to alternate proposals between men and women. Give a small instance I of SMP (not STP), trace a run of this modied Gale-Shapley algorithm on it up to its solution, and identify an instability in that solution.

3 To Re Mi Pa So Ti La Do!

Recall that a solution to a problem is not “strong Pareto optimal” if a single step change to that solution can make at least one person better o while making no one worse o.

A solution to a problem is not “weak Pareto optimal” if a single step change to that solution can make

everyone better o.

We decided that a “single step” in SMP is to take any two married pairs (m; w) and (m0 ; w0 ) and swap them to get the two married pairs (m; w0 ) and (m0 ; w). “Better o” and “worse o” are dened naturally
in terms of the preference lists.

You may nd it useful to say that a “good” step that makes a solution not Pareto optimal is a “Pareto ine ciency”. A “strong Pareto ine ciency” is a single step that shows that the solution is not “strong Pareto optimal”. A “weak Pareto ine ciency” is such a step for “weak Pareto optimality”.

(Reminder: we’re talking in this problem about standard SMP, not SMP with ties, unequal numbers of men and women, or any other previously discussed variant.)

Solve these problems under those denitions:


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. For license purposes, the author is the University of British Columbia.
1. Consider the following scenario and statement. Indicate whether the statement is always, some-times, or never true in any situation matching the scenario. Then, justify your answer as follows:

ˆ Justify an ALWAYS answer by giving a small instance that ts the scenario for which the statement is true and then briey sketching the key points in a proof that the statement is true for all instances that t the scenario.

ˆ Justify a NEVER answer by giving a small instance that ts the scenario for which the statement is false and then briey sketching the key points in a proof that the statement is false for all instances that t the scenario.

ˆ Justify a SOMETIMES answer by giving two small instances that t the scenario: one for which the statement is true and one for which the statement is false.

Scenario: P is a valid solution to SMP instance I in which four (dierent) people are in two married couples as follows (m; w); (m0 ; w0 ).

Statement: A single step that swaps (m; w) and (m0 ; w0 ) makes some but not all of the four people better o while making none of the four worse o.

2. Prove that any solution to SMP that is stable is also strong Pareto optimal. (You may want to use the contrapositive!)

3. NOT GRADED (just for practice): Give a small instance of SMP and a valid (but not necessarily stable) solution to that instance that is not weak Pareto optimal.

4. Briey explain why for every instance of SMP with n 3, any valid solution is also weak Pareto optimal.

4 Knowing Your Structures

1. Complete the following algorithm with pseudocode to e ciently nd the successor key value of a key value present in a BST (not necessarily an AVL) that does have a successor in the tree, given the key value of the node and the root of the tree.

// precondition: key is present in the tree rooted at root,

// and key has a successor also present in the tree

FindSuccessor(key, root):

It will likely be helpful to also complete the following algorithm:

/ precondition: the tree rooted at root is non-empty

/ postcondition: produces the key with minimum value in the tree FindMin(root):

2. NOT GRADED (just for practice): The same code runs correctly on both a BST and an AVL to nd the successor. Briey explain why it takes O(lg n) time in the worst case on an AVL tree but not on a general BST.

3. NOT GRADED (just for practice): What key values present in the tree could you use for k1 and

k2 to get worst-case performance from an e cient algorithm that counts the number of keys between k1 and k2 in a balanced BST?


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. For license purposes, the author is the University of British Columbia.
4. NOT GRADED (just for practice): Propose an additional variable (beyond the tree’s size) that would be useful to characterize the asymptotic performance of an e cient algorithm that counts the number of keys between k1 and k2 in a balanced BST. Briey justify your proposal.

5. Here is pseudocode to check if a binary tree is a maxHeap. (That is, it has the heap order property. It need not have the heap shape property.) The pseudocode only compares a given node’s key against its direct children’s keys, not against all descendents’ keys. Either (a) clearly but concisely prove this pseudocode is correct or (b) give and explain a counterexample to its correctness.

// root is the root of a binary tree that may be empty IsMaxHeap(root):

if root is empty: return TRUE


if root.left is not empty and root.left.key > root.key: return FALSE

if root.right is not empty and root.right.key > root.key: return FALSE

return IsMaxHeap(root.left) and IsMaxHeap(root.right)

6. Give the runtime of an asymptotically e cient algorithm to nd the rst 150 keys in an AVL tree (i.e., the 150 smallest keys) and briey justify your answer.

5 Choosing Your Structures

Reminder: We state below the data structure that most e ciently supports a solution to several problems of the options: array, stack, queue, priority queue (implemented as a binary heap), balanced BST (balanced binary search tree implemented as an AVL tree) and dictionary (dictionary/map implemented as a hash table).

1. NOT GRADED (just for practice): Determine the next collision that will happen in a game where balls are bouncing around on a pool table. You may assume that a function to determine when two balls will collide (assuming they do not change direction beforehand) has already been written.

Priority queue

2. Given a map of a cave (represented as a graph), a starting location (a vertex), and a magic spell that will aect all locations within a given distance from the starting location, determine which locations will be aected by the spell. Note that spells do not penetrate walls.


3. Given the same cave map inputs as above, and a set of exits (vertices), nd the path containing the least number of dangerous creatures from the start to an exit.

Priority queue

4. NOT GRADED (just for practice): You are building an interpreter for a version of the C language that does not have pointers, and you need to keep track (by name) of the current value of each global and local variable.




This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. For license purposes, the author is the University of British Columbia.
5. NOT GRADED (just for practice): You are a teaching assistant who is maintaining the current projected nal grades of the students in the course. The projections are updated every time a new assigment, quiz or exam grades becomes known (whether a single updated or a group of simultaneous ones), and you want to be able to return e ciently a list of all students whose projected nal grade lies within a given range (this range is not xed, but varies with every query).

Balanced binary search tree

6. Given a string containing only lowercase alphabetic characters (a§z), determine which character occurs the most often in the string.


7. NOT GRADED (“spoiled” below): Given a mathematical expression, determine if it is parenthe-sized properly. For example, (((2+3)*5)) is parenthesized properly, but (2+4)) + (5 is not.


Now, justify the answers briey. Specically: Give a high-level description of an algorithm to solve the problem (pseudocode is unnecessary for the level of detail we want) that includes an explanation of how and why the correct data structure ts into the algorithm.

For example, on the seventh problem (which you should not submit), we might say:

Scan the string, pushing opening parentheses onto the stack. At each closing parenthesis, ensure the stack is non-empty (or the string was unbalanced) and pop. If the stack is empty at the end, the string was balanced. The stack ensures we always compare the most recently encountered, unbalanced opening parenthesis against the next closing parenthesis.

Side note: you could solve this problem with just a counter (increment on open, decrement on close, fail if the counter is ever negative, fail if the counter ends up positive. . . essentially tracking only the size of the stack). However, a wide variety of slight variations on the problem (e.g., having two dierent types of brackets) makes a stack appropriate.

6 Tangling the Knot

Reminder: In the mentor/mentee problem (MMP), an instance is a set of (at least two) people, each with two preference lists over everyone but themselves: one ranking others as potential mentors, one ranking them as potential mentees. A solution should make mentor/mentee pairs so that each person has exactly one mentor and exactly one mentee.

1. A friend proposes solving MMP via the following reduction, assuming each employee has a unique employee ID:

Create an SMP instance as follows: Let the set of men M be the rst half of the employees by ID. Let the set of women W be the second half of the employees by ID. Let the preference

lists of men match the rst half of employees’ mentee preferences over the second half of employees. Let the preference lists of women match the second half of employees’ mentor preferences over the rst half of employees.

Given a solution to the SMP instance, create the solution to MMP as follows: For a pair (m; w), let the “rst-half” employee corresponding to m be a mentor to the “second-half”

employee corresponding to w (the mentee).

Give a small, complete instance of MMP such that this reduction fails, and briey explain how and why it fails.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. For license purposes, the author is the University of British Columbia.
2. NOT GRADED (just for practice): Follow these steps to establish that this reduction can produce an MMP solution in which some employee has no mentor:

(a) Give a small, complete instance of MMP such that this reduction succeeds.

(b) Write out the SMP instance produced by the reduction.

(c) Write out a stable solution to this SMP instance (arrived it however you like).

(d) Write out the MMP solution produced by the reduction given this stable solution to the SMP instance.

(e) Identiy an employee who received no mentor in the MMP solution.

3. NOT GRADED (just for practice): Prove that in any valid solution to an instance of MMP, there is a path going from mentor to mentee in P (i.e., from a person to the person who is their mentee and then optionally continuing from that person to their mentee and so on) that is a cycle (starts and ends on the same person). (Hint: the Pigeonhole Principle can help you make short work of this proof, but be sure you establish specically that some path starts and ends at the same person, not just that the path contains a cycle.)

4. A friend proposes solving MMP via this alternate reduction, slightly dierent from the one you saw on the quiz:

Create an SMP instance as follows: Let the set of men M be the set of employees. Let the set of women W be a second copy of the set of employees. Let the preference list of each man me (a copy of employee e) match the mentee preference list of e but with e themselves (as the copy we of e) added to the end of the list. Similarly let the preference lists of women match the employees’ mentor preferences but with each employee added to the end of their own preference list.

Given a solution to the SMP instance, create the solution to MMP as follows: For a pair (m; w), let the employee corresponding to m be a mentor to the employee corresponding to

w (the mentee).

Now, follow these steps to establish that this reduction can produce an MMP solution in which some employee is their own mentor:

(a) Give a small, complete instance of MMP such that this reduction succeeds.

(b) Write out the SMP instance produced by the reduction.

(c) Write out a stable solution to this SMP instance (arrived it however you like).

(d) Write out the MMP solution produced by the reduction given this stable solution to the SMP instance.

(e) Identiy an employee who received themselves as mentor in the MMP solution.

5. Prove that using the reduction from the previous problem, no two employees can both be assigned themselves as mentors. (You may not assume that in SMP no two people can both receive their last choices on their preference lists, although this is true. You can prove it and then use the fact if you like, but there’s an easier and shorter proof!)

6. For one COURSE BONUS POINT, write a short, clear, correct proof that no two women can both receive their least-preferred partner in any stable solution to any SMP instance.

WARNING: We’ll be rapid and harsh in grading these (e.g., if an answer is too long for our liking, we won’t read it; if an answer makes an irrelevant or false statement, we won’t read further), and it doesn’t aect your assignment grade. So, skip it unless you have time and motivation on your hands.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. For license purposes, the author is the University of British Columbia.