Assignment Revision 1.3 Solution

$35.00 $24.00

Overview and Marking   This project  consists of two tasks.  The first will count for 60% of the overall project  mark,  while the second will count for 40%. The project  aims to evaluate  your ability  to create,  analyse,  implement and evaluate  algorithms.   Hand-in   The  hand-in  date  will be 23:59:59 .  Handing  in up…

You’ll get a: . zip file solution




5/5 – (2 votes)

Overview and Marking


This project  consists of two tasks.  The first will count for 60% of the overall project  mark,  while the second will count for 40%.

The project  aims to evaluate  your ability  to create,  analyse,  implement and evaluate  algorithms.




The  hand-in  date  will be 23:59:59 .  Handing  in up to 24 hours  late  will attract a

10% penalty, while handing  in up to a week late will attract a 25% penalty, deducted  as a percentage  of the mark  obtained. Work handed  in more than  a week late will be treated as a “no paper”.

Submission  should take  place via myAberdeen  — upload  a zip file containing  your solutions  to Task  1, and a separate zip file containing  your solutions  to Task 2. Different submission  areas will be made available for each section.  Please submit  your reports  within  the relevant zip files (not RAR, ARC, ARJ, LZH or any other format), as PDF  documents.  Reports submitted as  word documents, .odt documents, RTF, etc will  not be marked.




Plagiarism  will not be tolerated, it is a serious offence, with punishments ranging from a 0 mark to expulsion. If you are unsure  about  whether  your work counts  as plagiarised,  please contact me.



1    Ticketing


The GreedyCine  movie chain has put  you in charge of their  ticketing  system.  Their  main priority  is making money,  and  they’ve  decided  their  current  approach to ticketing  is not  profitable  enough.  Their  system,  as it currently stands, involves selling tickets  on a first-come  first-serve  basis.  However, since large groups  of people would often  like to  sit  together  (and  will not  attend a movie otherwise),  many  seats  are  often  left empty.  Your task is to identify several possible improvements to the way tickets  are sold, as described below.


1.1     Formalising the problem


We treat a movie theatre as containing  a net total  of n seats.  You are given a list of groups G = [G1 , . . . , Gm ] where Gi , 1 ≤ i ≤ m is an integer  between  1 and n (inclusive),  representing the number  of seats desired by group Gi .


1.2     Subtasks


  1. Implement the first-come first-serve heuristic, and plot the average number  of empty  seats that remain with this heuristic  with changing  n and  In your report,  provide  a counter-example showing where
  2. this heuristic will not provide  an optimal  seating  arrangemen You can use the file to generate  groups for this,  and all following tasks.


  1. Describe and implement an optimal  algorithm for seat  allocation.   Prove  its correctness,  and  analyse its complexity.  Provide  an empirical evaluation (e.g., in the form of a plot)  of its average running  time as m and n increases.


  1. Describe and  implement  a heuristic  for seat  allocation  that runs  in Θ(m log m)  time.   Prove  that if it is possible to admit  k people,  your  heuristic  will admit  at  least  k/2 people.  Provide  an empirical evaluation of your heuristic’s  average  running  time as m and n increases.


  1. Identify a counter-example, and  with  it  show that asymptotically as n gets large,  the  ratio  between your heuristic  and the  optimal  seating  allocation  approaches 1/2  (in other  words, a perfect  algorithm would seat double the people your heuristic  would).


  1. Describe and implement a heuristic for seat allocation  that runs in Θ(m)  time, and prove that for this heuristic,  if it is possible to admit  k people, it will admit  at least k/2 people.  How would this heuristics cope with the counter-example identified in the previous task?  Provide  an empirical evaluation of your heuristic’s  average  running  time as m and n increases.


1.3     Marking


Marks will be allocated  as follows:


Task Mark breakdown Total   marks

for task

1 Implementation 3, plot 3, counter-example 3 9
2 Description/implementation 6, plot 3, complexity analysis 3, proof


3 Description/Implementation 6, plot 3, proof 3 12
4 Counter example  3, proof 3 6
5 Description:  6, implementation 3, proof 3, plot 3, counter  example




An additional 3 marks  will be allocated  for the  quality  of your report  (e.g.  appropriate citations, addi- tional  insights  obtained beyond and above what  is required  above, etc.)  and code (comments). This section will be marked  out of 60 (with  63 marks  available).



2    Convex Hulls


In this  section,  you will implement  a divide  and  conquer  algorithm for finding the  convex hull of a set  of points  and you will analyze  the algorithm both  theoretically and empirically.


2.1     Background


The  convex hull of a set  Q of points  is the  smallest  convex polygon P  for which each point  in Q is either on the  boundary of P or in its interior.   To be rigorous,  a polygon is a piecewise-linear,  closed curve in the plane.  That is, it is a curve, ending on itself that is formed by a sequence of straight-line segments,  called the sides of the polygon.  A point joining two consecutive  sides is called a vertex  of the polygon.  If the polygon is simple, as we shall generally assume,  it does not cross itself.  The set of points  in the plane enclosed by a simple polygon forms the interior  of the polygon, the set of points  on the polygon itself forms its boundary, and the set of points surrounding the polygon forms its exterior.  A simple polygon is convex if, given any two













Figure  1: Convex and non-convex  hulls.














Figure  2: Creating a convex hull.



points  on its boundary or in its interior,  all points  on the  line segment drawn  between  them  are contained in the polygon’s boundary or interior.

Figure  1 shows how a set of points  on the left, the convex hull for this set of points  in the center,  and a non-convex  hull for a set of points  on the right.


2.2     Creating a convex hull


You can utilise the following algorithm to find a convex hull:


  1. Take the  set of n points,  and  divide it into  two subsets,  L, containing  the  leftmost  dn/2e  points  and

R, containing  the rightmost bn/2c  points.


  1. The convex hulls of L and R are computed recursively.


  1. To combine the  convex hulls of L and  R,  it  is necessary  to  find two  edges known  as the  upper  and lower common  tangents.  A common  tangent of two simple convex polygons is a line segment in the exterior  of both  polygons intersecting each polygon at a single vertex.  If continued infinitely in either direction,  the common tangent would not intersect the interior  of either  polygon.


  1. The upper  common  tangent can be found by scanning  aground  the  left hull in a clockwise direction, and  around  the  right hull in a counterclockwise  direction.   Some guidance  with  regard  to finding the common tangents is given below; although you will need to work out some additional details.  The two tangents divide  each  hull  into  two pieces.  The  right edges belonging  to  the  left subset  and  the  left edges belonging to the right subset  must  be deleted.


The  remaining  part  of the  algorithm is a solution  for the  base case (i.e.,  the  leaves of your  recursion). The algorithm is illustrated in Figure  2. The lines in red indicate  the upper  and lower common tangent.

function Finding the upper common tangent

Start with the rightmost point of the left hull and the leftmost  point of the right hull


while the edge is not upper  tangent to both  left and right do while the edge is not upper  tangent to the left do

move counter  clockwise to the next  point on the left hull . Hint:  We want to move to the next point(s) on the left hull as long as the slope decreases

end while

while the edge is not upper  tangent to the right do

move clockwise to the next  point on the right hull

end while end while

end function

Some Other  Hints:

Maintain clockwise (or counter  clockwise) ordering when merging (natural if start that way).  Note below that from one point (e.g.  left-most)  to each other  point,  clockwise order will be by decreasing  slopes.

Handle  the base cases (n < 4) properly  by getting  started with appropriately ordered  hulls.

Be careful with your hull data  structure, as you might need to loop around  when moving around  the hull

(clockwise or counterclockwise).


2.3     For Interest


More generally beyond two dimensions,  the convex hull for a set of points  Q in a real vector  space V is the minimal  convex set containing  Q.

Algorithms  for some other computational geometry problems start by computing  a convex hull.  Consider, for example, the two-dimensional farthest-pair problem:  we are given a set of n points in the plane and wish to  find the  two points  whose distance  from  each  other  is maximum.    This  pair  is also referred  to  as the diameter of the set of points.  You can prove that these two points  must  be vertices  of the convex hull.

The  problem  of finding  convex  hulls  also finds its  practical applications in pattern recognition,  image processing,  statistics and GIS.


2.4     Requirements


  1. Write the full, unambiguous pseudo-code for your divide-and-conquer algorithm for finding the convex hull of a set of points  Q. Be sure to label the  parts  of your  algorithm.  Also, label each part  with  its worst-case  time efficiency.


  1. Analyze the whole algorithm for its worst-case time efficiency. State  the Big-Theta asymptotic bound.

Include  the recurrence  relation.


  1. Implement your divide and conquer algorithm.


  1. Conduct an empirical analysis  of your algorithm by running  several experiments as follows: (a)  For each of n ∈ {10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 500000, 1000000}

(b)  Generate a set of n (x, y) points  in the plane.  For each point set, find the convex hull and record

the elapsed time.

(c)  For each size n, compute  the mean time t required,  and plot n vs t.


  1. Find the relation  of your plot to your theoretical analysis.  In other  words, if your theoretical analysis tells you that for a set  of n points,  complexity  is Θ(g(n)), identify  the  constant  c.  If it  does not  fit your data,  what  function  does fit?


  1. If the theoretical and empirical analyses  differ, discuss the reasons for the difference.


You must submit  a single PDF  file as your answer to this question,  which will be marked  out of 40 marks. Marks breakdown  is as follows:


  1. Correct,  concrete,  readable  pseudo  code and  the  worst  case analysis  of each  procedure/function,  8 marks.


  1. Theoretical analysis for the  entire  algorithm including  discussion  of the  recurrence  relation,  showing your work, 8 marks.


  1. Your raw and mean experimental outcomes, 4 marks.


  1. The plot, 2 marks.


  1. Discussion of the  pattern in  your  plot,  including  identification of order  of growth  and  estimate of constant of proportionality (showing your calculations  and assumptions), 6 marks.


  1. Discussion of differences between theoretical and empirical  analysis  (if there  are none, discuss why), 2 marks.


  1. A screenshot of output of your program  with 100 points  is worth  2 marks.


  1. A screenshot of your output for a program  with 1000 points  is worth  2 marks.


  1. Your source code, correctly indented, commented  etc, 6 marks.


2.5     Further information


See, Cormen,  Leiserson,  Rivest,  & Stein.   Introduction to Algorithms.   Second Edition.   MIT  Press.   2001. pp.  939, 947-947, as well as the wikipedia  article  titled  “Convex  hull”.



3    Acknowledgements


The ticketing  problem  is adapted from the Stanford  nifty problem  set. The convex hull problem  is adapted from∼martinez/classes/312/Projects/Project2/project2.html.