Solved–Computer Assignment 04 Stack– Solution

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For this computer assignment, you are to implement the Stack class using STL queues. All relevant files are located within this Git repository. `assignment04.h` contains the definition of the Stack class. It is given here to facilitate the following description: “`c++ class Stack { private: std::queue<int> q1, q2; public: bool empty() const; int size() const;…

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For this computer assignment, you are to implement the Stack class using STL queues. All relevant files are located within this Git repository.
`assignment04.h` contains the definition of the Stack class. It is given here to facilitate the following description: “`c++
class Stack { private: std::queue<int> q1, q2; public: bool empty() const; int size() const; int top(); void push(const int& val); void pop(); }; “` You are required to implement this class in In this file, the main function is already provided. The driver program works with an input file `assignment04input.txt`.

In the implementation of the class, you are going to use queues `q1` and `q2` to store and manipulate data. You are suggested to keep all elements in one of the queues at anytime. More details are described below.

* `empty()` You need to make sure both `q1` and `q2` are empty. * `size()` You need to count the number of elements in both `q1` and `q2`. * `top()` This method returns the newest element. If `q1` is not empty, simply return the end element of `q1`. Otherwise `q2` is not empty and simply return the end element of `q2`. * `push()` Simply add the element to a non-empty queue. If both queues are empty, the new element can be added to an arbitrary queue. * `pop()` This method removes the newest element. Since all elements are in one of the queues, say it is the `source`, you need to dump all elements except the newest to the other queue. And then remove the last (i.e. the newest) element in the `source`.

**Programming Notes:** * Include any necessary headers. * In the final version of your assignment, you are not supposed to change existing code, including the class definition and the `main` method, provided to you in the original files `assignment04.h` and ``. * To compile the source file, execute `g++ -Wall –o assignment04.exe`. This will create the executable file `assignment04.exe`. To test your program, execute `./assignment04.exe < > assignment04.out 2>&1`, which will put the output and error in file `assignment04.out`. `` is the input file. You can find the correct output of this program in file `assignment04.out` in the directory shown in the last page. * Add documentation to your source file (e.g. * Prepare your `Makefile` so that the TA only needs to invoke the command `make` to compile your source file and produce the executable file `assignment04.exe`. Make sure you use exactly the same file names specified here, i.e. `` and `assignment04.exe`, in your `Makefile`. Otherwise your submission will get 0 points. This semester you will need to make at least ***three commits*** to your local repository and ***three pushes*** to your master repository for each assignment. This will show the evolution of your assignments over time and the thought process behind the code. You will need to make sure your final ***push*** to your master repository is completed before the assignment is due (the system time stamps actions), if the assignment is late the TA will mark off points.

When your program is ready for grading, ***commit*** and ***push*** your local repository to remote git classroom repository and follow _**Assignment Submission Instructions**_.