Solved-Cryptography Homework 4 -Solution

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(20 pts) The composite number n is the product of two large primes, namely p and q. Assume that nobody knows the factorization of n. Consider the following function H(x) = x2 (mod n). H(x) is one-way function since it is difficult to compute the square root of x modulo a composite number when the…

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  1. (20 pts) The composite number n is the product of two large primes, namely p and q. Assume that nobody knows the factorization of n. Consider the following function

H(x) = x2 (mod n).

H(x) is one-way function since it is difficult to compute the square root of x modulo a composite number when the factorization is not known.

a. Explain why H(x) is not a good cryptographic hash function by discussing the properties of cryptographic hash functions. (Hint: Discuss non-invertibility, weak and strong collision resistance.) (10 pts)

b. Explain why H(x) is not even a good hash function by demonstrating its output is biased. Explain your answer using on the example, where n = 15, i.e. p = 3 and q = 5. (10 pts)

  1. (30 pts) In order to increase security, Bob chooses the modulus n and two encryption exponents, e1 and e2. He asks Alice to perform double encryption, i.e. to encrypt her message m to him by first computing c1 me1 (mod N), then encrypting c1 to get c2 c1e2 (mod N). Alice then sends c2 to Bob.

    1. The double encryption does not increase security over single encryption and in fact is equivalent to single encryption with a private key e3. Explain why? (10 pts)

    1. Consider the following p = 510199234220351635769753579003640646511269683368666689283064468492360 478957885883733073466895536294535102461614047593850516003701938960081 2468312274731287

q = 104677858040236631540811598909166707511976842840505964536630741129499 224685702253698304193500442968305523686358763901573500616740416774094 79215017880761471

e1 = 65537 e2 = 65539 c= 493463293694628543632717824483152110996815144346405999746218546713924 271393716352103453630314731535994643483208423227406355539606429535108 951960692292587865368917490218414372006590261848443504441655164271774 042488924390494483343994111890450561851024227047380917594733133111636 25490140702356058569205275317138

CS 411-507 Cryptography

where c is the ciphertext as a result of the double RSA encryption with e1 and e2. Find the equivalent decryption key d3 and decrypt the ciphertext with a single modular exponentiation operation. (20 pts)

  1. (20 pts) Consider the following RSA parameters:







e: 65537

Consider also the following ciphertext,







which is the encryption of my PIN of four digits. The textbook RSA without padding is used. Find my PIN.

  1. (30 pts) Consider the following security game. Suppose that an attacker wants to decrypt the ciphertext c encrypted using the RSA algorithm and obtain the plaintext m, where c = me mod N. She knows neither the private key d nor the factorization of the modulus N. However, she can query an oracle (e.g., a program running on a remote server) with a ciphertext c’ c, and receives the corresponding plaintext m’ = cd mod N.

    1. The attacker can decrypt c and recover m. Show how. (10 pts)

    1. Consider the following RSA parameters and a challenge ciphertext







      1. 65537



Fall 2017

CS 411-507 Cryptography





The instructor (accessible via is the oracle that you can submit your queries c’ c via e-mail. Your queries must be in the following form

c’ = int(“your query here as an integer”)

I challenge you to find m. (20 pts)


  1. You can use the Python function pow(m, e, N) to compute modular exponentiation.

  2. You can use the following two Python functions to compute gcd and modular inverse

def egcd(a, b):

x,y, u,v = 0,1, 1,0

while a != 0:

q, r = b//a, b%a

m, n = x-u*q, y-v*q

b,a, x,y, u,v = a,r, u,v, m,n

gcd = b

return gcd, x, y

def modinv(a, m):

gcd, x, y = egcd(a, m)

if gcd != 1:

return None # modular inverse does not exist else:

return x % m

Fall 2017