Having data compressed can save space on hard drives, as well as speed up file trans- fer online. In this assignment,  you will implement a simple, yet elegant, data  compres- sion algorithm called Huffman coding https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huffman_ coding. Let us first walk through  how it works.



Huffman Coding


Assume that  I want  to  store  the  message “opossum”  on my computer.   This  string of characters  will be represented  on my hard  drive as a series of bits  (1’s and  0’s). Typically, an ASCII character  takes up 8 bits of space on a computer.  This means that “opossum”  will cost 56 bits of storage.  For the sake of argument,  let us assume that this is a significant number.

One obvious way to reduce the number  of bits in our message is to represent each character  in the message with fewer bits.  Of course, using smaller bit  sequences will limit the number of unique characters  we can encode. For example, a two bit sequence is only capable of representing  4 unique characters.   Consequently,  our characters  will vary in length.  This was expected  though.   So what  are the real issues preventing  us from using fewer bits?  Well, I have two for you right here:


  1. Let us assume that the  characters  in “opossum”,  ‘p’, ‘m’, ‘u’, ‘o’, and  ‘s’, are represented  as 0, 1, 00, 01, and 10 respectively.  What  problems do you see with this?  Well, it just  so happens  that  our most common characters  ‘o’ and ‘s’ are also some of our largest characters.   We could have saved ourselves a little  more space if we instead represented  ‘o’ and ‘s’ with the single bits 0 and 1, which were naively used to denote ‘p’ and ‘m’. So the question arises, how do we efficiently delegate bit sequences such that  the most frequently occurring characters  in our messages take up the least amount of space?


  1. Let us assume that the  characters  in “opossum”,  ‘p’, ‘m’, ‘u’, ‘o’, and  ‘s’, are represented  as 0, 1, 00, 01, and 10 respectively.  Let us also assume that  we have used these characters  to encode a new message “0001” on our hard drive.  I now ask you, what message did we just encode? Well, unfortunately, it is ambiguous. One possible decoding could be “pppm”.  Another could be “uo”.  So the question arises, how do we generate variable-length  character  codes such that  our encoded messages will not  be ambiguous?   In other  words, how do we develop a prefix coding system?


One way to resolve these issues is by constructing  a Huffman tree, just like the one displayed right here:





A Huffman tree  is a binary  tree that  encodes the  characters  of a message into  a reduced  bit  representation by implicitly  storing  the  component bits  along the  tree’s edges.  Typically,  left edges denote 0 while all the right edges denote 1.  Thus,  to find the  encoding of a specific character,  we simply concatenate  the  bits  found along the edges of the path  between the root node and the character’s  node.

In the tree above, you can see that  ‘o’ is represented  as 11 because its path from the root first follows a right edge and then another  right edge. Take note that  all character nodes are leaf nodes and each path  produces a unique string of bits.  Also, you should be aware that  the  most common characters,  such as ‘o’ and ‘s’, appear  closer to the top of the tree,  which gives them  the shortened  encoding that  we desire.  Conversely, the lowest frequency characters  reside near the bottom  of the tree.

Using the Huffman tree above, “opossum” can now be written  as

1100111010011010, which is just  16 bits  as compared  to the  original 56.  Better  yet, no characters  share the same prefix, which means this binary message can be decoded unambiguously.   You can try  it out for yourself by reading the bits left to right while following the recorded bit path  in the tree starting  from the root.  As soon as you hit a leaf node, grab its character  and continue reading the remaining bits starting  from the root again.  So this  is wonderful, I now have a compressed message that  was easy to encode and decode. However, the question remains, how do we construct  the Huffman tree?  Well here is the algorithm:


  1. Identify the frequency of each character  in a given message.  The  frequency of each character  in “opossum” is listed alphabetically as follows:


m = 1       o = 2       p = 1       s = 2       u = 1



  1. Package each character-frequency pair into  a binary  leaf node and  insert  each node into a min heap using the frequency as the key.


  1. Extract the two smallest elements  from the  min heap  and  respectively  attach them  to the left and right pointers  of a new internal  node.  Set the key value of the new internal node to be equal with the sum of the frequencies of the extracted nodes. Insert  this new internal  node into the min heap.




(a) Result  after extracting 1st min element     (b) Result  after extracting 2nd min element










(c) New node from extracted mins                      (d) New node inserted  into heap



  1. Repeat step 3 until the min heap has one element remaining.


(a) New node from extracted mins                     (b) New node inserted  into heap






(a) New node from extracted mins                     (b) New node inserted  into heap






(a) New node from extracted mins                     (b) New node inserted  into heap



  1. Draw out the newly constructed Huffman tree




For this project,  you have been provided an implementation of the Huffman tree con- struction  algorithm  (DO NOT  modify this  code.  It  is possible to construct  multiple Huffman trees with the same message if numerous characters  in the message share the same frequency value.  The construct function that  I set up ensures that  your Huff- man  tree  will produce  results  consistent with  the  test  cases used for grading).   This algorithm  utilizes  a templated min heap  class that  you must  implement.   You must also implement  a function  that  prints  the  Huffman  encoding  of message using  the Huffman tree  constructed from the same message.  Specifically, you must  implement the following functions:


void MinHeap::insert(const T data, const int key) :

Insert  the provided user data  into the min heap using the provided key to make comparisons with the other elements in the min heap.


To ensure that  your min heap  produces  consistent  results,  stop  bubbling  up a child node if it shares the same key value as its parent node.


T MinHeap::extract min() :

Remove from the min heap the element with the smallest key value and return its data.


If you come across two sibling nodes that  share the same key value while sifting down a parent node with  a larger key value,  then  you should swap the  parent node with the left child to ensure that  your min heap produces consistent results.


T MinHeap::peek() const :

Retrieve  the minimum element in the min heap and return  its data  to the user. Do not remove this element from the min heap in this function.


void MinHeap::size() const : Return  the size of the min heap


void HuffmanTree::print() const :

Print the  Huffman  encoding  of the  member  variable  message assigned  in the

construct function.


To ensure that  you always produce a consistent output, DO NOT modify the com- pleted  code in the HuffmanTree class.  You may however add print helper functions if you feel it necessary.





Input  is read from the keyboard.   The first line of the  input  will be an integer  t > 0 that  indicates  the  number  of test  cases.  Each  test  case will contain  a message on a single line to be processed by the Huffman tree construct function.  Each message will contain  at least 2 characters




For each test case, print Test Case: followed by the test case number on one line. On another  line, print the Huffman encoding of the input message. Separate  the individual character  encodings by a space.



Sample Test Cases


Use input redirection  to redirect commands written  in a file to the standard input,  e.g.

$ ./a.out < input1.dat.


Input 1


3 opossum hello world message



Output  1


Test Case: 1

11 00 11 10 10 011 010

Test Case: 2

010 011 10 10 00 1100 1101 00 1110 10 1111

Test Case: 3

011 10 11 11 010 00 10



Timing Analysis


At the top of your main file, in comments,  write the time complexity of constructing a Huffman tree  with  a min heap  in terms  of the  number  of characters  in the  input message, which you can denote as n.  Also consider the time complexity of constructing a Huffman tree without  a min heap.  Specifically, what  running  time can you expect if you use a linear search to find minimum frequencies.  Write  these time complexities using Big-O notation.



Turn In


Submit  your source code to  the  TA  through  blackboard.   If you have multiple  files, package them into a zip file.





Total: 100 pts.


  • 10/100 – Code style, commenting, general readability.
  • 05/100 – Compiles.


  • 05/100 – Follows provided input and output format.


  • 75/100 – Successful implementation of the min heap and Huffman print functions.


  • 05/100 – Correct timing analysis.