Extra Credit Assignment A: The Maze Solution

$35.00 $24.00

Core Instructions   This assignment is extra  credit,  and therefore  completely  optional.   This  assignment  is worth  up  to  100  extra credit points, to  be  added back to one homework where you lost the most points  on.1   If you decide to submit  this  EC  assignment,  you cannot  submit  the  Maze EC  assignment. (That is, you…

You’ll get a: . zip file solution




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Core Instructions


This assignment is extra  credit,  and therefore  completely  optional.


This  assignment  is worth  up  to  100  extra credit points, to  be  added back to one homework where you lost the most points  on.1   If you decide to submit  this  EC  assignment,  you cannot  submit  the  Maze EC  assignment. (That is, you can only select one of the two for extra  credit.)


In order  to receive credit  for this  assignment,  you must  code up a working solution  and  explain  your code to Professor  Sellie or one of the  TAs.  You will first need to submit  this assignment to NYU Classes.  You will be able to receive partial extra  credit  for this  assignment,  based on how much  you have completed.   This  assignment is purposely  slightly  open-ended  so that you have the freedom to approach it in a manner  that is interesting or edu- cationally  valuable  to you.





1    Programming Part


  1. Write a recursive function  to find a location2   in a maze.


You may only walk left, right,  up or down (no diagonals).


The maze will be implemented as a two dimensional  character vector

(use  vector<vector<char> >).   Passages  are  marked  with  ‘.’, walls


1 That is, these  extra  credit  points  do  not add  directly on top  of all of your homework scores  together.  Rather, the  extra  credit  will only  count for points back on  the one homework assignment where  you lost the  most  points.

2 Perhaps my office?  Has anyone  been  on the  10th  floor of building  2?  This  might be

a useful program to have.








are marked  by ‘x’. The  start position  will be marked  by ‘s’, and  the location to find by ‘e’. External walls are not marked (you will have to do bound  checking in the  two dimensional  vector.)  You function  will first need to find the  location  of ‘s’ by exhaustive  search.  You might find it convenient to modify the maze to show where you have been.



Here is a sample maze:


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx s.x…x….x…exx x.x.x.x.xx.x..xxxx x…x…xx.x..x.xx xxx.x..xxx…xx.xx xxx.xx..xx……xx xxx…x.xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx.x……..xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Solve programming problem 1 this  time  using  a  stack  to  help  you traverse  the maze instead  of recursion.


  1. Solve programming problem 1 this  time  using  a  queue  to  help  you traverse  the  maze instead  of using a stack  or recursion  (and  assume you can teleport  to any location  specified by it’s coordinates.)


  1. Combine the  previous  three  programming problems  into  a class that also contains:


  • a method print_maze() which prints the maze
  • a method to load a maze from a file given an istream
  • collect information when traversing that graph, so that you can print the path  (with  no wrong turns) that goes from ‘s’ to ‘e’.



2    Written Part


  1. Under what  condition  will programming problem  1 traverse  fewer lo- cations  in the  map  than  programming problem  3?  And  vice versa? Demonstrate using a maze.


  1. Will programming problem 1 traverse fewer locations in the map than programming problem  2?