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Coin Change Problem For this project, you will investigate thecoin-changeproblem:Given a cash register, how does one make change such that the fewest coins possible are returnedto the customer? In this assignment, we explore two algorithmic solutions to this problem: agreedy algorithm and a dynamic programming algorithm.Formally, an algorithm for this problem should take as input:•A…

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Coin Change Problem
For this project, you will investigate thecoin-changeproblem:Given a cash register, how does one make change such that the fewest coins possible are returnedto the customer? In this assignment, we explore two algorithmic solutions to this problem: agreedy algorithm and a dynamic programming algorithm.Formally, an algorithm for this problem should take as input:•A vectorcoinswherecoins[i] is the value of the coin of theithdenomination.•valuewhich is the amount of change we are asked to make.The algorithm should return the number of coins used to make change forvalue, and a list of the coins usedto make this value. The objective is to minimize the number of coins returned. In other words we want tominimizelen(coinsused). You will implement a greedy algorithm and a dynamic programming algorithmfor this.1

Greedy Algorithm
One approach to coin change problem is a greedy approach:•Return the largest value coin possible.•Subtract the value of this coin from the amount of change to be made.•Repeat.This implementation is calledchangegreedy.

Dynamic Programming
We can use a dynamic programming tableTindexed by 0,1,2, . . . , valuewhereT[i] is the minimum numberof coins needed to make change fori. Here,iis an integer such thati≥0, for the total value of currency weare making change for.T[i] =minj:coins[j]≤i{T[i−coins[j]] + 1}We initializeT[0] = 0, andT[i] =∞, fori= 1, . . . , value. How do you store and return the coins that makethe change forvalue? This implementation is calledchangedp