Homework #10 Solution

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1    Introduction   In  this  homework  you will implement  a game (TicTacToe) and  you will write  two  game players (AlphaBeta and Jamboree)).     1.1   Getting  The Homework Assignment   The starter files for the homework assignment have been distributed through our git repos- itory, as usual.     1.2   Submitting  The Homework Assignment  …

You’ll get a: . zip file solution




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1    Introduction


In  this  homework  you will implement  a game (TicTacToe) and  you will write  two  game players (AlphaBeta and Jamboree)).



1.1   Getting  The Homework Assignment


The starter files for the homework assignment have been distributed through our git repos- itory, as usual.



1.2   Submitting  The Homework Assignment


Submissions will be handled  through Autolab, at https://autolab.andrew.cmu.edu.

In preparation for submission, your hw/10 directory should contain a file named exactly

hw10.pdf containing your written solutions to the homework.

To submit your solutions, run make from the hw/10 directory (that contains a code folder and a file hw10.pdf).  This should produce a file hw10.tar, containing the files that should be handed  in for this homework assignment.  Open the Autolab web site, find the page for this assignment, and submit  your hw10.tar file via the “Handin  your work” link.


This  homework  will be partially autograded.  When  you submit  your  code some very basic tests are run.  These are the public tests, and you will immediately see your score on these.  After the final submission deadline, we will run a more comprehensive suite of private tests on your code.  Your final score will be a function  of your public score, private  score, and any manual  grading we perform.  Non-compiling code will automatically receive a 0.

Remember  that your written  solutions  must  be submitted  in PDF  format—we  do not

accept MS Word files or other formats.

All the code that you want to have graded  for this assignment should be contained in game/tictactoe.sml, game/alphabeta.sml, game/pokemon.sml, and game/jamboree.sml (with  tournament/estimate.txt for usage in the class tournament if desired),  and  must compile cleanly.  If you have a function  that happens  to be named  the same as one of the


required  functions  but does not have the required  type,  your code will not compile in our environment.



1.3   Due Date




1.4   Methodology


You must use the five step methodology discussed in class for writing  functions, for every function we asked you write in this assignment,  as well as any substantial helper functions for those functions.  Recall the five step methodology:


  1. 1. In the first line of comments, specify the type of the function.


  1. 2. In the second line of comments, specify via a REQUIRES clause any assumptions about the arguments to be passed to the function.


  1. 3. In the third line of comments, specify via an ENSURES clause what the function com- putes (what it returns when applied to an argument that satisfies the assumptions in REQUIRES).


  1. 4. Implement the function.


  1. 5. Provide testcases, generally in the format

val  <return  value>  = <function>  <argument  value>. For example, for the factorial function presented in lecture:

(*    fact  : int  ->  int

*    REQUIRES:    n  >= 0

*    ENSURES:  fact(n)  ==> n!  *)

fun  fact  (0  : int)  : int  = 1

| fact  (n  : int)  : int  = n  *  fact(n-1)



(*  Tests:  *) val  1  = fact  0 val  6  = fact  3 val  720  = fact  6


Please  test functions which  are  part of the signature for a  structure or functor in  a separate testing structure. Test functions which appear in a structure or functor but are not part of the signature directly underneath the function, according to the five-step method.

For example:


signature  FOO  =


val  fact  : int  ->  int end


structure  Foo : FOO  =


(*    fact  : int  ->  int

*    REQUIRES:    n  >= 0

*    ENSURES:  fact(n)  ==> n!  *)

fun  fact  (0  : int)  : int  = 1

| fact  (n  : int)  : int  = n  *  fact(n-1)




structure  FooTests  =


val  1  = Foo.fact  0 val  6  = Foo.fact  3 val  720  = Foo.fact  6



2    Records


2.1   Overview


A record is a keyed data structure built into SML that allows us to create unordered  tuples with  named  fields.  Often times using a normal  tuple can be confusing when it has many members.  It can be hard  to keep track of which member  represents  which value.  Records solve this problem by adding names to each of their members.  Importantly, each field has a set type which the value at the field must have.



2.2   They’re  Still  Functional


Although  records may sound much like a dictionary  in Python, or an object  in Java, they have one very important difference. Unlike dictionaries and objects, records are immutable data structures.   This  means that once a record has been created,  its values stay as they are forever. We must create a completely new record everytime we would like to change the value of a field. Since records are immutable, they are okay to use in a functional setting as we always know the type of each field, and the value of any field cannot change due to side effects.



2.3   Creating  a Record and Accessing Fields


To create a record we use a special syntax we have not used before. The following will create a record  with  two  fields, cat and  dog, with  the values “meow”  and  “woof ” at each field respectively: {cat  = “meow”,  dog  = “woof”}. Suppose we have bound that record to the variable R. We can get the value at the dog field by doing the following: #dog(R). Likewise, the value at the cat field can be retrieved with:  #cat(R).



2.4   Pattern Matching  with  Records


Like most  other  data structures,  we can  pattern match  on Records.   The  syntax  is the same as that to create a record, except in place of a value for each field you put a pattern: case R  of  {cat  = x,  dog  = y} binds the value of the cat field to x and the value of the dog field to y. Therefore x has the value “meow” and y has the value “woof ”. Since records are  unordered,  it  is important that we include  the field names  when creating or pattern matching a record.


3    Game 1:  Tic-Tac-Toe


3.1   Introduction


The popular  Tic-Tac-Toe  game is back, but in n × n fashion!  None of this simplistic 3 × 3 stuff (well, unless you want it); we’re going to allow for arbitrary square boards this time!



3.2   Tic-Tac-Toe


You are all likely familiar with this game, but for those who aren’t:

Tic-Tac-Toe  is a game where the goal is to mark any row, column, or either  of the two diagonals of a given n × n board with all O’s or X’s. For this game, Maxie is O and Minnie is X, and Maxie always goes first.  Any player may place their entry (and  only their entry) onto an empty space on the board during  their turn. Gameplay  proceeds with each player taking a turn until the win conditions are met or until the board is filled.

Normally, when the board is filled, the game ends in a Draw.  However, to simplify things, we’ll say that Minnie wins when the board is filled to avoid having to clutter the signatures in your code with  the extra Draw case.  This  ends up giving Minnie a huge advantage  at the end of the day, but Maxie was being a bully anyways by wanting to go first all the time (what a jerk!).


4    Tic-Tac-Toe: Implementation of Types


4.1   State


For our implementation, an entry can either be an O or an X. The board is made up of tiles, with each tile being an entry option (NONE  means there is an empty  spot on the board). We represent the state of the game as the current board and whose turn it is.


datatype  entry  = O  | X type  tile  = entry  option type  board  = tile  seq seq type  state  = board  *  player



4.2   Moves


A location on the board can be easily represented as a pair of integers (r,c), where r is the row and c is the column.  Note that these are 0-indexed!  A move is a tuple containing the location to place an entry on as well as the entry itself.


type  location  = int  *  int type  move  = entry  *  location



4.3   Initial  Board Size


The initial  board size information can be retrieved from the options handed  to the functor TicTacToe.  The options structure ascribes to a signature TTTCONSTS, which contains a value board size, a positive integer that determines the number  of rows and columns.  Use this information to help you generate the start state and test for valid moves.


5    Tic-Tac-Toe: Tasks



Task 5.1 (4 pts). In tictactoe.sml, create the start state with the info in Settings.


Task 5.2 (7 pts). Implement the function is valid  move  :  state  *  move  ->  bool. This takes in a state and move, and returns true if the move can be made on the board given in state and false otherwise.


Task 5.3 (8 pts). Implement the function make  move  :  state  *  move  ->  state. This, when given a state and move, will make the move, assuming the move is valid.


Task 5.4 (8 pts). Implement the function moves  :  state  ->  move  seq.

This, when given a state, evaluates to a sequence of possible moves for the current player.


Task 5.5 (8 pts). Implement the function status  :  state  ->  status.

This,  when given a state, will evaluate  to In play  if the game can still  be continued  and

Over(outcome) if the game is over with outcome outcome.


Task 5.6 (16 pts). Implement estimate  :  state  ->  Est.est.

estimate returns an estimated score for a given state. Some quick rules about programming  this function:


  • estimate must NOT ever create nor examine future states. You may simulate moves at most one turn ahead as long as you never explicitly  create a state (but you’ll probably  not need to do that for this game).


  • estimate must NOT ever manipulate or hold stateful information. If you don’t know what I’m referring to here, you’re probably fine; this is for those people who might be thinking of using references, etc.


Failure  to abide by these rules results  in an automatic 0 for this task.  If you are confused by what this means, please don’t hesitate to ask on Piazza!

You will receive full credit  as long as estimate performs better than an estimator that

returns  the maximum  length  of a chain of O’s or X’s for a particular  player.  Of course, a more refined evaluation algorithm  will yield a more competent and  challenging  computer opponent!  Your implementation of estimate should work on all valid game states, whether it is in play or it is a terminal state (leaf in the search tree). Remember that relatively lower scores should indicate Minnie is winning and relatively higher scores should indicate Maxie is winning.  Your estimate should reflect this.

Please describe your implementation and the strategies you considered in a few sentences in a comment.


For testing, you can play the game in the REPL  (see lib/game/runtictactoe.sml):


– CM.make  “sources.cm”;

– TicTacToe_HvH.go();


5.1   Introduction  to Views


As we have  discussed  many  times, lists operations have  bad  parallel  complexity,  but the corresponding sequence operations are much better. However, sometimes you want to write a sequential algorithm  (e.g.  because the inputs aren’t very big, or because no good parallel algorithms  are known for the problem).  Given the sequence interface so far, it is difficult to decompose a sequence as “either  empty,  or a cons with a head and a tail.”  To implement this using the sequence operations we have provided, you have to write code that would lose style points:


case Seq.length  s of

0  =>

| _  => … (Seq.hd  s) and  (Seq.tl  s) …


We have solved this problem using a view. This means we put an appropriate datatype in the signature, along with functions converting sequences to and from this datatype. This allows us to pattern-match on an  abstract type,  while keeping  the actual representation abstract. For this assignment, we have extended the SEQUENCE signature with the following members to enable viewing a sequence as a list:


datatype  ’a lview  = Nil  | Cons  of  ’a *  ’a seq val  showl  : ’a seq ->  ’a lview

val  hidel  : ’a lview  ->  ’a seq

(*  invariant:  showl  (hidel  v)  ==> v  *)


Because the datatype definition is in the signature, it can be used outside the abstraction boundary.   The showl and hidel functions convert between sequences and list views.  The following is an example of using this view to perform list-like pattern matching:


case Seq.showl  s of

Seq.Nil  => … (*  Nil  case *)

| Seq.Cons  (x,  s’) => … uses x  and  s’ … (*  Cons  case *)


Note that the second argument to Cons is another ’a seq, not  an lview.  Thus,  showl lets you do one level of pattern matching at a time:  you can write patterns like Seq.Cons(x,xs) but not Seq.Cons(x,Seq.Nil) (to match a sequence with exactly one element).  We have also provided hidel, which converts a view back to a sequence—Seq.hidel  (Seq.Cons(x,xs)) is equivalent to Seq.cons(x,xs) and Seq.hidel  Seq.Nil is equivalent to Seq.empty().

SEQUENCE also provides a tree view:


datatype  ’a tview  = Empty  | Leaf  of  ’a | Node  of  ’a seq *  ’a seq



val  showt  : ’a seq ->  ’a tview val  hidet  : ’a tview  ->  ’a seq


that lets you pattern-match on a sequence as a tree.  Such a pattern-match is essentially  a

Seq.mapreduce, but sometimes it is nice to write in pattern-matching style.


5.2   Look and Say, Revisited


In  the next  task,  you  will use  list  views to implement  a  slight  variant of the look and say operation  from homework 3, now on sequences.   As specified on that homework,  the look  and say function transforms an int  list into the int  list that results from “saying” the numbers  in the sequence such that runs  of the same number  are combined.   We will generalize this by transforming an ’a Seq.seq into an (int  *  ’a) Seq.seq with one pair for each run  in the argument  sequence.  The  int  indicates  the length  of the run,  and  the value of type  ’a is the value repeated  in the run.  In order to test arguments  for equality, look  and say takes a function argument of type ’a *  ’a ->  bool.

The following examples demonstrate the behavior of the function when given a function,

streq, that tests strings for equality:


look  and say streq  <“hi”,”hi”,”hi”>  ==> <(3,”hi”)>

look  and say streq  <“bye”,”hi”,”hi”>  ==> <(1,”bye”),  (2,  “hi”)>



Task 5.7 (10 pts). Use the list view of sequences to write the function


look  and say : (’a *  ’a ->  bool)  ->  ’a Seq.seq  ->  (int  *  ’a) Seq.seq


in the LookAndSay structure in las.sml.


We can also use sequences to model other abstract types; for instance a cycle, or cyclical list, is a sequence of elements with no “beginning”  or “end”.  We can represent this with a sequence by remembering  that the “last” element is adjacent to the “first” element.


Task 5.8 (10 pts). Using your look  and say, write the function


las  wrap  : (’a *  ’a ->  bool)  ->  ’a Seq.seq  ->  (int  *  ’a) Seq.seq


which returns the look-and-say  for a sequence interpreted as a cycle.  If the first and  last elements of the sequence are part of a single run that wraps around,  you should put this run at the front  of the resulting  sequence.

As an example, we have


las  wrap  streq  <’’bye’’,’’hi’’,’’hi’’,’’bye’’>  ==> <(2,’’bye’’),(2,’’hi’’)>

las  wrap  streq  <’’bye’’,’’hi’’,’’bye’’,’’hi’’>  ==>



6    Alpha-Beta Pruning


In lecture,  we implemented  the MiniMax game tree  search algorithm:  each player  chooses the move that, assuming  optimal play of both players,  gives that player  the best possible score (highest for Maxie, lowest for Minnie).   This  results  in a relatively simple recursive algorithm,  which searches the entire game tree up to a fixed depth. However, it is possible to do better than this!

Consider the following game tree:







b                         e




c[3]     d[5]     f [2]        g




Maxie nodes are drawn  as an  upward-pointing triangle; Minnie nodes are drawn  as a downward-pointing triangle.  Each  node is labeled with  a letter, for reference below.  The leaves, drawn as squares, are also labeled with their values (e.g., given by the estimator).

Let’s search for the best move from left to right, starting from the root a.  If Maxie takes the left move to b, then Maxie can achieve a value of 3 (because Minnie has only two choices, node c with  value 3 and  node d with  value 5).  If Maxie takes  the right  move to e, then Minnie can take the her left move to f , yielding a value of 2.  But this is worse than what Maxie can already achieve by going left at the top!  So Maxie already knows to go left to b rather than right  to e.  So, there  is no reason to explore the tree  g (which might  be a big tree  and take  a while to explore) to find out what  Minnie’s value for e would actually  be: we already  know that the value, whatever it is, will be less than or equal to 2, and this is enough for Maxie not to take this path.

αβ-pruning  is an improved search algorithm  based on this observation.  In αβ-pruning,

the tree g is pruned  (not explored).  This lets an algorithm explore more of the relevant parts of the game tree in the same amount of time.



6.1   Setup


In αβ-pruning, we keep track of two bounds, representing the best (that is, highest for Maxie, and lowest  for Minnie) score that can be guaranteed  for each player  based on the parts of the tree that have been explored so far.  α is the highest guaranteed score for Maxie, and β is the lowest  guaranteed score for Minnie.  Any values in between  α and β can be thought of as potential game values both players would like to have compared  to their current best desirable score.


Note:  We maintain the invariant that α < β.

Consider  a node visited  in the search tree.   This  node represents  a game state s.  The search  attempts to find the best  possible move from s.   Suppose  the possible moves are

{m1 , . . . , mk }.  For each move mi , the algorithm  could make the move, resulting  in a child node representing  some game state si, then recursively  compute  a value vi   for that child. The  MiniMax algorithm  does compute  each vi .  The  value v of the node representing  s is then simply v = max{v1, . . . , vk } when at a Maxie node and v = min{v1, . . . , vk } when at a Minnie node.  The best possible move is whatever mi  gives rise to this value v.

In the αβ-pruning algorithm,  there may be no need to actually make all moves mi  and compute all values vi. To see this, consider a game state represented by a Maxie node in the search tree.  Suppose the αβ  interval is (α, β).  If ever vi  ≥ β, then Maxie knows the search need never get to this game state. Why?  Because Minnie could disallow it, since Minnie can

achieve value β elsewhere in the tree.

Consequently, at a Maxie node, the αβ algorithm recursively computes values v1, v2, . . . , vi until it finds some i such that vi   ≥ β, at which point  it returns  vi   to its calling function. In this case, the algorithm  does not consider any remaining  moves.  If the condition  vi  ≥ β never occurs, then the function returns v = max{v1, . . . , vk } as with normal MiniMax.

Important:  When  making  the recursive  calls,  Maxie updates  the αβ  interval  for  the

recursive  calls. Specifically, when making move mi  and evaluating the node for state si, the

αβ  interval is (αi, β), using α1  = α and αj +1 = max{αj , vj } for j ≥ 1.

This reasoning is symmetric for a Minnie node, now using the test vi  ≤ α as a stopping

criterion and updating a sequence of βi values for the recursive calls.

The whole process starts off with the αβ  interval (−∞, +∞).


Please refer to the slides from Lecture 22 for a visual example.



6.2   Tasks


We have provided  starter code in alphabeta.sml.  As in MiniMax, we need to return not just the value of a node, but the move that achieves that value, so that at the top we can select the best move.

This gives rise to the following type:


type  edge    = G.move  *  G.est


Here G.est is a datatype that models players winning, as well as numerical estimates to indicate which player appears to have an advantage.

The function search computes the best edge, meaning a pair consisting of a move to a child along with the value of that child.  (The function returns this best edge as an option.)

The function evaluate computes values of nodes, meaning a value of type G.est.

To evaluate  each node, it is necessary to search some or all of the node’s children  and use information from those children to help return an appropriate value for the node itself.


An αβ  bound is defined as follows:


datatype  bound  = NEGINF  | Bound  of  G.est  | POSINF

type  alphabeta  = bound  *  bound


Note that we arbitrarily create NEGINF and POSINF to represent −∞ and ∞, respectively.



It is also useful to define the following ordering:


datatype  orderAB  = BELOW  | INTERIOR  | ABOVE

fun  compareAB  ((a,b)  : alphabeta)  (v  : G.est)  : orderAB  = …


You’ll want to use compareAB whenever you need to test whether an estimate is within the current αβ  bounds at a particular node.


Finally, we have provided four functions that you may find useful for debugging:


valueToString  : value  ->  string edgeToString  : edge  ->  string boundToString  : bound  ->  string abToString  : alphabeta  ->  string



Task 6.1 (8 pts). Define the function


fun  compareAB  ((a,b)  : alphabeta)  (v  : G.est)  : orderAB  = …


that determines  where v lies relative to the given αβ  bounds,  as described in the specs for that function in the file alphabeta.sml.


Task 6.2 (18 pts). Define the function


fun  search  (d  : int)  (ab  : alphabeta)  (s : G.state)  : edge  option  = …


that uses the current αβ  bounds  ab to find the best edge from the node for game state s, assuming  search depth d > 0.  (See again the discussion on page 11.)  We have also given you the stubs for two helper functions that do the actual searching.


Task 6.3 (18 pts). Define the function


fun  evaluate  (d  : int)  (ab  : alphabeta)  (s : G.state)  : G.est  = …


that determines the value of the current node corresponding  to state s under  non-negative search  depth d and  the αβ  bounds  ab.    Note that search  and  evaluate  are  mutually recursive!  Also remember  that when the depth is 0 or the game is over, evaluate should immediately estimate the current game state or return a value indicating a win, respectively.


You might find the views discussed in the previous section useful for these tasks.


Don’t  forget  that the incoming αβ  interval  affects  the output of  search,  via proper pruning.


Task 6.4 (4 pts). Define the function


fun  next_move  (s : G.state)  : move  = …


that returns the best move going out from s. Recall that next_move is a function specified in the PLAYER signature.  In order to implement this function, you should search using αβ- pruning with the initial search depth as specified in Settings and with the initial αβ range appropriately chosen.



Testing:    You do not need to provide tests for your individual functions.  You will however want to test your code yourself, by running  some games.



Explicit Games for Testing:   We have provided  a functor ExplicitGame that makes a game from a given game tree, along with two explicit games, HandoutBig and HandoutSmall (see figures on page 14). These can be used for testing as follows:


– structure  TestBig  =

AlphaBeta(struct  structure  G  = HandoutBig  val  search_depth  = 4  end);

– TestBig.next_move  HandoutBig.start; Estimating  state  e[3]

Estimating  state  f[5] Estimating  state  h[2] Estimating  state  l[10] Estimating  state  m[4] Estimating  state  q[2]

val  it = 0  : HandoutBig.move



structure  TestSmall  =

AlphaBeta(struct  structure  G  = HandoutSmall  val  search_depth  = 2  end);

– TestSmall.next_move  HandoutSmall.start; Estimating  state  c[3]

Estimating  state  d[6] Estimating  state  e[~2] Estimating  state  g[6] Estimating  state  h[4] Estimating  state  i[10] Estimating  state  k[1]

val  it = 1  : HandoutSmall.move


The search depths of 2 and 4 here are important, because an explicit game errors if it tries to estimate in the wrong place.

For these explicit games, estimate prints the states it visits, so you can see what terminal

states (leaves) are visited, as indicated above.  You may additionally  wish to annotate your code so that it prints out traces.








b                                                      n





c                                j                     o                                s





d                    g                    k                    p                    t               w




e[3]      f[5]     h[2]      i[7]     l[10]    m[4]     q[2]      r[7]      u[8]     v[2]     x[4]     y[6]






Figure 1: Tree for HandoutBig.








b                                           f                        j





c[3]   d[6]  e[−2]           g[6]   h[4]   i[10]             k[1]   l[30]  m[9]
















Figure 2: Tree for HandoutSmall.


7    Jamboree


αβ-pruning is entirely sequential, because you update αβ  as you search across the children of a node, which creates a dependency  between children.   On the other hand,  MiniMax is entirely parallel:  you can evaluate each child in parallel, because there are no dependencies between them.  This is an example of a work-span tradeoff : MiniMax does more work, but has a better span, whereas αβ-pruning does less work, but has a worse span.

The  Jamboree 1  algorithm  manages  this  tradeoff  by evaluating  some of the children  se-

quentially, using the αβ algorithm,  and then (if there was no pruning)  the remainder  in par- allel, combining the results to find the optimal edge. Depending on the parallelism available in your execution environment, you can choose how many children to evaluate sequentially, in order to prioritize work or span.

In the file jamboree.sml, you will implement a functor


functor  Jamboree  (Settings  : sig


structure  G  : GAME

val  search_depth  : int

val  prune_percentage  : real


end)  : PLAYER


prune_percentage  is assumed  to be a real number  between  0.0 and 1.0.  For each2   node,

100.0  * prune_percentage  percent  of the children  are  evaluated  sequentially  using  αβ, after which the remaining children are evaluated in parallel.

For  example,  with  prune_percentage  = 0.0, Jamboree performs  just like MiniMax,  and

with prune_percentage = 1.0, Jamboree performs completely like sequential αβ-pruning.



7.1   Tasks



Task 7.1 Copy compareAB from your αβ-pruning implementation into jamboree.sml, plus whatever helper functions you might find useful.


Task 7.2 (5 pts). Define the function

splitMoves  :  Game.state  ->  (Game.move  seq *  Game.move  seq)

which, when given game state s, splits the possible moves at s into two sequences, (abmoves,  mmmoves),  as a function  of the prune_percentage.   In particular,  if s has  n moves, abmoves should contain the first (Real.floor  (prune_percentage  *  (real  n))) moves, and mmmoves should contain whatever is left over.






1 A parallelized  version  of the original  Scout  αβ  algorithm  in 1980, Jamboree is so named  for running multiple  “scouts” in parallel.

2 This split occurs at every tree node searched.


Task 7.3 (25 pts). Define the functions:


fun  search  (depth  : int)  (ab  : alphabeta)  (s : Game.state)  : edge  option  = … and  evaluate  (depth  : int)  (ab  : alphabeta)  (s : Game.state)  : G.est  = …


using the Jamboree algorithm.

The specs for search and evaluate are as they are for αβ-pruning and MiniMax, now combined  with  the percentage tradeoff as described  above.   The  function search should divide up the moves  from s into  abmoves  and mmmoves  based on the specified percentage, then call the functions maxisearch and minisearch (caution:  the types of these functions in jamboree.sml have changed from those in alphabeta.sml).

The  algorithm  should process abmoves  sequentially,  updating  αβ  as in an αβ-pruning

implementation.  When there are no more abmoves (and if there has been no pruning),  then the algorithm  should evaluate mmmoves in parallel,  and combine the results  from these two methods of search (by either maximizing or minimizing values, as appropriate for the given player).

(Again, you may find some of the functions in the SEQUENCE signature that you haven’t

used before helpful.)


Task 7.4 (1 pts). Define next_move.



Testing:    Test your code as with the “alphabeta” part of the assignment.