Solved-Homework 2 -Solution

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This assignment is about POS tagging . You should be aware that POS tagging is widely used, and that it’s widely seen in the NLP community as a solved problem (or at least well enough solved that most people don’t put much effort into improv ing POS tagging for its own sake) . It’s a…

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This assignment is about POS tagging . You should be aware that POS tagging is widely used, and that it’s widely seen in the NLP community as a solved problem (or at least well enough solved that most people don’t put much effort into improv ing POS tagging for its own sake) . It’s a good problem for learning about NLP, though, and that’s what we are aiming for in this exercise . For this assignment, you may only use the datasets prov ided . W e realize that you could probably track down the test data we will evaluate your models on, but that would be cheating – so don’t .

Download and unpack the tar file from canvas . There is a R E AD M E file, three Perl scripts, one Python script, and some data . Using what we’ve given you, you can build a baseline bigram HMM POS tagger on the standard training set from the Penn Treebank (sections 2 -21, p tb .2 –

2 1 .* ) and evaluate it on the development set (section 22, pt b .2 2. * ) . (Actually, we already did that, but you should take two minutes to follow the R EA DM E and do it yourself to make sure you understand the tools . ) Note that we have not given you the standard test set output .

Task 1:

A learning curve is a useful tool that lets you v isualize how a model’s performance depends on the amount of training data . You can vary the amount of training data by creating smaller sub – corpora from the original full corpus . The learning curve plots a performance measure evaluated on a fixed test set (y – axis) against the training dataset size (x – axis). Generate a learning curve for the b igram HMM as we’ve prov ided it, using section 22 to evaluate . W hat are your thoughts about getting more POS – tagged data and how that would affect your system?

Task 2:

Come up with a way to improve the model . Again, you can only train on the training data (no external resources are allowed). Some relativ ely easy ideas: implement a trigram HMM, or try to smooth the probability estimates . It may be helpful to know that many tagging schemes encode tags in such a way that if you replaced every tag by its first l etter only, the tags would still be meaningful, only more coarse (this holds for all of the datasets used in this assignment). You are constrained to using an

HMM: you are building a replacement for the script .

You can use our v it er b i. p l script for tagging ( clarification: you may modify this script ) or write your own Viterbi algorithm in Python, though you may need a post -processing script that runs after the

v iterbi .pl . Describe your approach clearly. How well does your model perform on the development data? Run your tagger on p t b. 23 . tx t (the test data) and turn in the output so we can evaluate it using ta g _a cc . pl .

Task 3:

Train the baseline model and your model on the Japanese ( jv .* ) and Bulgarian ( b tb . *) training datasets, and compare th em on the test sets . Report the performance in a readable way, and discuss . You should look at the data (obviously! ) and give some analysis – what factors lead to the differences among performance on English, Japanese, and Bulgarian? W hat about the baselin e and your model makes them relatively better or worse on the data in these other two languages?

Bonus Task:

W rite a new evaluation script that calculates quantities that help elucidate the differences between the two models further, by looking at errors in a more fine -grained way. In your answer, explain what your script does and show its output .


Please submit a . tgz archive containing the following items . Note that you are not just submitting code for this assignment; we rely on you to describe your approach well .

  • Your modified code (you can submit the entire folder, compressed)

  • the output of your new model on pt b .2 3. t xt (we will ev aluate it against gold -standard POS tags),

  • a text or pdf file containing your answers to all questions , including the plot for task 1 .

  • Whether or not you collaborated with other individuals or employed outside resources, you must include a section in this file documenting your consultation (or non -consultation) of other persons and resources .