Homework #7 Solution

$35.00 $24.00

1    Introduction   This homework will focus on continuations and exceptions.     1.1     Getting The Homework Assignment   The starter files for the homework assignment have been distributed through  our git repos- itory, as usual.     1.2     Submitting The Homework Assignment   Submissions will be handled  through  Autolab,  at   https://autolab.cs.cmu.edu   In…

You’ll get a: . zip file solution




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1    Introduction


This homework will focus on continuations and exceptions.



1.1     Getting The Homework Assignment


The starter files for the homework assignment have been distributed through  our git repos- itory, as usual.



1.2     Submitting The Homework Assignment


Submissions will be handled  through  Autolab,  at




In preparation for submission, your hw/07 directory  should contain  a file named exactly

hw07.pdf containing  your written  solutions to the homework.

To submit your solutions, run make from the hw/07 directory (that contains a code folder and a file hw07.pdf). This should produce a file hw07.tar, containing  the files that  should be handed  in for this homework assignment.  Open the Autolab  web site, find the page for this assignment,  and submit  your hw07.tar file via the “Handin  your work” link.


The Autolab handin script does some basic checks on your submission:  making sure that the file names are correct; making sure that  no files are missing; making sure that  your code compiles cleanly.  Note that  the handin  script  is not  a grading script—a  timely submission that  passes the handin script will be graded, but will not necessarily receive full credit.  You can view the results of the handin script by clicking the number corresponding to the “check” section of your latest  handin  on the “Handin  History”  page.  If this number is 0.0, your submission failed the check script; if it is 1.0, it passed.

Remember  that  your written  solutions  must  be submitted in PDF  format—we  do not accept MS Word files or other formats.


Your  hw07.sml file must  contain  all the  code that  you want  to  have  graded  for this assignment,  and must compile cleanly.  If you have a function that  happens to be named the same as one of the  required  functions  but  does not  have the  required  type, it will not  be graded.



1.3     Due Date






1.4     Methodology


You must  use the five step methodology  discussed in class for writing functions,  for every

function you write in this assignment.  Recall the five step methodology:


  1. In the first line of comments, write the name and type of the function.


  1. In the second line of comments, specify via a REQUIRES clause any assumptions about the arguments passed to the function.


  1. In the third line of comments, specify via an ENSURES clause what  the function com- putes (what  it returns).


  1. Implement the function.


  1. Provide testcases, generally in the format

val <return value> = <function> <argument value>. For example, for the factorial function presented  in lecture:

(* fact : int -> int

* REQUIRES: n >= 0

* ENSURES: fact(n) ==> n!



fun fact (0 : int) : int = 1

| fact (n : int) : int = n * fact(n-1) (* Tests: *)

val 1 = fact 0

val 720 = fact 6


2    Down the Rabbit-hole


Exceptions  allow us to  control  what  a function  can  and  cannot  do,  and  give meaningful feedback when code does something  it  shouldn’t.   Perhaps  more importantly, we can use handle to evaluate  an expression that  may result in an exception.


For each of the following expressions, determine  what  the expression evaluates  to.  If it is not  well-typed,  say so and  explain  why.   If it  raises an  exception,  state  the  exception. Assume that  Fail is the only exn defined at top-level.


Task 2.1 (2 pts).  if 3 < 2 then raise Fail “foo” else raise Fail “bar”


Task 2.2  (2 pts).   (fn x => if x > 42 then 42 else raise Fail “Don’t Panic”) 16 handle   => “42”


Task 2.3 (2 pts).



exception Less

fun bar(x,y) = case Int.compare(y, x) of LESS => raise Less

| _ => y

fun foo f [] = []

| foo f [x] = [x]

| foo f (x::y::L) =

f(x,y) :: (foo f (x::L)) handle Less => x::(foo f (y::L))


foo bar [3,2,1,42]




Task 2.4 (2 pts).



exception bike exception bars


“I can ” ^ “ride my ” ^ (raise bike) ^ “with no ” handle bars => “but I always wear my helmet”




Task 2.5 (2 pts).


(case 15150 > 15251 of true => 15150

| false => raise Fail “epicfail”) handle EpicFail => 15150


Task 2.6 (3 pts).  Describe what the function mysteryMachine does when given a T : tree.


datatype tree = Empty | Node of tree * int * tree exception EmptyTree


fun mysteryMachine T =

case T of

Empty => raise EmptyTree

| (Node (L, n, R)) =>

((mysteryMachine L) + n + (mysteryMachine R)) handle EmptyTree => n


3    Looking-Glass Insects


Recall the ML datatype for shrubs (trees with data  at the leaves):


datatype ’a shrub = Leaf of ’a | Branch of ’a shrub * ’a shrub


Consider  the  following implementation of findOne from the  previous  homework using continuation passing style.


fun findOne (p:’a -> bool) (T:’a shrub) (s:’a -> ’b) (k:unit -> ’b):’b =

case T

of Leaf(x) => if p(x) then s x else k ()

| Branch(L,R) => findOne p L s (fn () => findOne p R s k)


Recall that  for all types  t and t’, all total  functions  p : t -> bool, all values T : t shrub, and for all values s : t -> t’, k : unit -> t’



findOne p T s k ∼=

s v  where v is the leftmost value in T such that  p v ∼=  true,

if there is one. k () otherwise




Task 3.1 (5 pts).  Prove the correctness of findOne (meaning findOne p T s k will always evaluate  to s(v) where v is the leftmost  element that  satisfies p if such an element exists, k() otherwise.)


A function f : ’a -> ’b is called weakly total  if, for all values x of type ’a, f x either evaluates  to a value or raises an exception.  (So f x doesn’t loop forever.)


Consider the following recursive ML function


search : (’a -> bool) -> ’a shrub -> ’a

fun search (p : ’a -> bool) (S : ’a shrub) : ’a =

case S of Leaf(x) => (case p(x) of

true => x

| false => raise NotFound)

| Branch(L,R) => search p L handle NotFound => search p R



Task 3.2  (15 pts).   Prove  that  for all total  functions  p and  S : ’a shrub, findOne p S (fn x => x) (fn  => raise NotFound) ∼= search p S.




Task 3.3 (2 pts).  Write  a wrapper for search


search’ : (’a -> bool) -> ’a shrub -> ’a option


that  uses the weakly total function search to make a total function that  returns NONE instead of raising an exception and SOME x if an element is found.


4    It’s  My  Own Invention


You are traveling  through  a maze attempting to get to a given target.   We will represent this maze with a 2-dimensional rectangular n × m square list list where each index (i,j) in the 2D list is either  Free, a Wall, or the Target.   You will always start  somewhere in the maze and there is only a single target.


datatype square = Free | Wall | Target type board = square list list

In addition,  you can only move in the  east  and south  directions  (rightward  and down-

ward).  This means that  if you are at  the location (r, c) on the chess board,  she can either move to (r + 1, c) or (r, c + 1). (0, 0) represents  the top-left corner.

You are also unfortunately very corporeal so you are not able to go through  walls. Consider the following grid where you start  from (0, 0):


[[YOU ARE HERE, Free, Free, Free], [Free, Wall, Target, Free],

[Free, Free, Free, Free]]


In the grid, the only path  to the target  is two rights followed by a down, represented  by the list of points, [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2)].


However, in the following setup where you start  from (1, 0), there is no path to the target because we cannot move through  walls.


[[Free, Free, Free, Free],

[YOU ARE HERE, Wall, Target, Free], [Free, Free, Free, Free]]



Task 4.1 (15 pts).  Write  the function in exception handling  style,


mazeSolver : square list list -> (int * int) -> ’a


such  that   mazeSolver board start is equivalent  to  raise (Success L), where  L is a (int * int) list representing  a valid path  from start to the Target  (including  both  the start  and  destination) if such a path  exists.   If no such path  exists,  the  function  applica- tion is equivalent to raise NoPath. If the square that  you start  on is a wall, the function application  is equivalent to raise CorporealnessSucks.


5    Regexp


5.1     Extending the Matcher


In class, we introduced  six different operators  to describe regular expressions:


  • The empty set 0


  • The empty string 1


  • Characters c


  • Concatenation r1r2


  • Alternative r1 + r2


  • Repetition r∗


From  time  to  time  it  is helpful  to  have  some more  constructs  available  to  form regular expressions, such as


  • Set Intersection r1  ∩ r2, which accepts a string  s if and only if s is in L(r1) and s in



L(r1  ∩ r2 ) = {s | s in L(r1) and s in L(r2 )}



  • Set Difference r1 \ r2, which accepts a string s if and only if s is in L(r1) and s is not in L(r2):


L(r1  \ r2 ) = {s | s in L(r1) and s is not in L(r2)}


The support  code for this assignment includes a regular expression matcher  match very similar to the  one from lecture.   We have extended  the  datatype definition  of regexp to include the new constructor Both corresponding to ∩. (We omitted  a new constructor Diff corresponding  to \, since you won’t need to implement Diff.) Your job is to extend  match to deal with Both and prove parts of the correctness of your implementation. In the notes for Lecture 14, you will find the full statement of the correctness theorem  for match, including both soundness  and completeness.  Here we will ask you to show two cases of the soundness proof. Recall that the overall soundness and completeness theorems  are as follows:


Theorem 1 (Soundness).  For all values r : regexp, cs : char list, k : char list → bool, if match r cs k ∼=  true then there  exist values p, s such that  p@s ∼=  cs with p ∈ L(r) and k s ∼= true.


Theorem 2 (Completeness). For  all values r : regexp, cs : char list, k : char list → bool, if there  exist values p, s  such that  p@s  ∼=  cs with p ∈  L(r) and  k s  ∼=  true then match r cs k ∼= true.


One proves these theorems  simultaneously  in one large induction  proof, with  cases for each of the regular  expression constructs.  You should view your proofs in this  assignment as proving two of those cases within a larger overall induction  proof. You may assume that termination of the  code has already  been proven,  so that  there  is no issue about  whether continuations loop forever.


We strongly recommend that  you think through the correctness spec when you are writing the code for Both. If you are stuck on the implementation, try doing the proof of soundness and/or completeness—this  will guide you to the answer.  However, we will only ask you to hand in the soundness for Both.


Your first job is to implement the case of match for set intersection r1 ∩r2, that  is, Both(r1, r2).




Task 5.1  (5 pts).  Look at the function badBoth (located  in hw08.sml1 ) which attempts to satisfy the spec for set intersection  given above.  Explain  why it is not correct,  and give an example set of inputs  where it fails.


Task 5.2 (12 pts).  Now implement the case of match for set intersection,  i.e., Both. Next you will prove the soundness for Both(r1, r2):

Theorem 3.  For  all values cs : char list and k : char list → bool,

if  match (Both(r1, r2)) cs k  ∼=  true, then there exist values p, s such that p@s ∼= cs,

p ∈ L(Both(r1, r2)), and k s ∼= true



You may assume the following lemmas without  proof:


Lemma 1 (inversion of  andalso)  If e1 and e2 are expressions of type bool and if  e1 andalso e2 ∼=  true,  then   e1 ∼=  true and   e2 ∼=  true.


Lemma 2  (equivalence) If e1,e2 are expressions of type t (for some t) such that

e1 = e2 ∼=  true,  then   e1 ∼= e2.


Lemma 3 (correctness of  charlisteq)      Consider L1,L2 : char list.

If charlisteq(L1,L2) ∼= true,  then  L1 ∼= L2.


Lemma 4  If p1,s1,p2,s2 are   t lists (for some type t) such that

p1@s1 ∼=  p2@s2 and   s1 ∼=  s2 ,  then   p1 ∼=  p2.


Lemma 5  Suppose  L1:char list and   L2:char list are values.

If L1 ∼= L2,  then  L1 = L2.


1 We accidentally called it badAlso in the code file in one location  in the specs.


Task 5.3  (18 pts).   Prove  Theorem  3.  Remember  this  is one case of the  larger structural induction  proof on regular expressions that  was discussed in lecture.



Task 5.4  (5 pts).  Look at the function badDiff (located  in hw08.sml) which attempts to satisfy  the  spec for set difference given above.  Explain  why it is not  correct,  and  give an example set of inputs  where it fails.




We give you the function accept: regexp -> string -> bool. Be sure to test  your implementation of Both thoroughly  using this function!


5.2     Secret Message


You will now use your regular  expression matcher  (your  accept function)  to find a secret message.  You will be given a string list in which this message is hidden.  Each string  in the list will be at least 5 characters  long. The first character  of some strings in the list will be an “f ”, a “u” or an “n”,  the second character  an “a”,  an “r”,  or an “e”, and the third character  a “v”, an “a”, or an “l”.  Identifying the strings that  follow this format will be the first step in decoding the secret message.




Task 5.5 (2 pts).  Define a value messageKey : regexp such that  the language of messageKey

is exactly the strings described above that  contain  part  of the message. So for example accept messageKey “uel0EoN03U” ∼= true and

accept messageKey “JXgmFj1GKD” ∼= false


The  message is composed of the  5th  character  of each string  in the  string list that matches  the language of messageKey.

For  example,  in  the  following list  (exampleMessage), the  secret  message  is  “HELLO WORLD”.  (The  strings  that  conform to  the  given format  have  their  first  three  characters in bold and the character  they contribute to the message- their 5th character-  in bold.) [“naahHYDgPh”,


“JXgmFj1GKD”, “fektpagFXt”, “nradLuXbpS”, “faaqL  qsiw”, “V6d8CgcUbN”, “nrlZOatgZ4”, “ura8 ru52F”, “frvwWeE8rx”, “wYJtmVNQxi”, “feluO  9TWY”, “nrvTRoCGjs”, “faaCLfg67B”, “frvZDfYUs0”]


You may find the  following functions  on strings  useful for the  next  task,  but  you will probably  only need to use some of them:


  • String.sub : string * int -> char

String.sub (s,i) returns  the ith  character  of s.


(Caution:  By “5th character”, we really do mean the fifth character,  starting  with the first being “1st”.  However String.sub is 0-indexed, so use 4 for i.)


  • String.str : char -> string

Takes a character  and returns  it as a string.


  • String.implode : char list -> string

Takes a character  list and returns  the string of the characters  in the list. Remember that  you have all the higher order functions on lists available to you.



Task 5.6 (6 pts).  Write  an ML function


findMessage : regexp -> string list -> string


such that  findMessage messageKey L returns  a string  consisting  of the  5th  character  of every string in L which is accepted by the regexp messageKey.  (Do not change the order of the characters  from how they appear  in L.)

So findMessage messageKey exampleMessage ∼= “HELLO WORLD”.

To test  your function and regexp (and to complete Task 4.7), first type Control.Print.stringDepth := 5000; into  SMLNJ  (you will only need to do this  once before you begin), and then  run the command findMessage messageKey startlist;

If your  function  is correct  you will find a message with  directions.   Our  lists  contain

a second message that  will appear  if your code is slightly  incorrect.   This  is not  the  real message, but  it should help you fix your code.

Feel free to create your own hidden message lists and share them on Piazza.


Task 5.7 (2 pts).  Use your function to play the choose-your-own-adventure game beginning with running  findMessage on startlist, and record what you find in your PDF.