Homework #9 Solution

$35.00 $24.00

1    Introduction   In this  homework,  you will get practice  with  SML’s module system.   You will implement several structures from scratch,  and will be introducted to the  idea of representational  in- variance.  Note that  this assignment has more code, and less guidance, than  previous home- works.     1.1     Getting The Homework Assignment   The…

You’ll get a: . zip file solution




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1    Introduction


In this  homework,  you will get practice  with  SML’s module system.   You will implement several structures from scratch,  and will be introducted to the  idea of representational  in- variance.  Note that  this assignment has more code, and less guidance, than  previous home- works.



1.1     Getting The Homework Assignment


The starter files for the homework assignment have been distributed through  our git repos- itory, as usual.



1.2     Submitting The Homework Assignment


Submissions will be handled  through  Autolab,  at https://autolab.andrew.cmu.edu.

In preparation for submission, your hw/09 directory  should contain  a file named exactly

hw09.pdf containing  your written  solutions to the homework.

To submit your solutions, run make from the hw/09 directory (that contains a code folder and a file hw09.pdf). This should produce a file hw09.tar, containing  the files that  should be handed  in for this homework assignment.  Open the Autolab  web site, find the page for this assignment,  and submit  your hw09.tar file via the “Handin  your work” link.


This  homework will be partially  autograded.  When  you submit  your  code some very basic tests  are run.  These are the public tests,  and you will immediately  see your score on these.  After the final submission deadline, we will run a more comprehensive suite of private tests  on your code.  Your final score will be a function  of your public score, private  score, and any manual  grading we perform.  Non-compiling code will automatically receive a 0.

Remember  that  your written  solutions  must  be submitted in PDF  format—we  do not accept MS Word files or other formats.

All the  code that   you  want  to  have  graded  for this  assignment  should  be  contained in points.sml,  funMatrix.sml,  matrixTest.sml,  combinations.sml,  search.sml,  and


shrub.sml, and must compile cleanly.  If you have a function that  happens to be named the same as one of the  required  functions  but  does not  have the  required  type,  your code will not compile in our environment.



1.3     Due Date


This assignment is due on Tuesday,  21 June  2016 at  23:59 EDT.  Remember  that  you may use a maximum  of one late day per assignment,  and that  you are allowed a total  of three late days for the semester.  You may submit  as many times as you would like until  the due date.



1.4     Methodology


You must  use the  five step methodology  discussed in class for writing  functions,  for every function we asked you write in this assignment,  as well as any substantial helper functions for those functions.  Recall the five step methodology:


  1. In the first line of comments, specify the type of the function.


  1. In the second line of comments, specify via a REQUIRES clause any assumptions about the arguments to be passed to the function.


  1. In the third line of comments, specify via an ENSURES clause what  the function com- putes  (what  it returns  when applied to an argument that  satisfies the assumptions  in REQUIRES).


  1. Implement the function.


  1. Provide testcases, generally in the format

val <return value> = <function> <argument value>. For example, for the factorial function presented  in lecture:

(* fact : int -> int

* REQUIRES: n >= 0

* ENSURES: fact(n) ==> n! *)

fun fact (0 : int) : int = 1

| fact (n : int) : int = n * fact(n-1)


(* Tests: *) val 1 = fact 0 val 6 = fact 3 val 720 = fact 6


Please  test  functions  which  are  part  of the  signature  for a  structure or functor  in  a separate  testing structure. Test functions which appear in a structure or functor but are not part  of the signature  directly underneath the function,  according to the five-step method.

For example:


signature FOO =


val fact : int -> int end


structure Foo : FOO =


(* fact : int -> int

* REQUIRES: n >= 0

* ENSURES: fact(n) ==> n! *)

fun fact (0 : int) : int = 1

| fact (n : int) : int = n * fact(n-1)



structure FooTests =


val 1 = Foo.fact 0 val 6 = Foo.fact 3 val 720 = Foo.fact 6




1.4.1     Emphatic Warning


CM will not  return  cleanly if any  of the  files listed  in the  sources have no code in them. Because we want you to learn how to write modules from scratch,  we have handed out a few files that  are empty  except for a few place holder comments.  That  means that  there  are a few files in the sources.cm we handed  out that  are commented  out, so that  when you first get your tarball  CM.make “sources.cm” will work cleanly.

You must uncomment  these lines as  you  progress through the assignment!

If you forget,  it  will look like your code compiles cleanly even though  it  almost  certainly doesn’t.


2    15  Points


Recall two different ways of representing  points in a plane.  The Cartesian  representation of point is a pair of an x coordinate and a y coordinate.  The polar representation of a point is a pair of a radius and an angle in radians.  (Note that  there are multiple radius-angle pairs that represent the same point in a polar coordinate system.  Specifically, adding 2π to the angle, or negating the radius and adding π to the angle does not change the point that  is represented.)


Your task  will be to write  some simple functions  for computing  different properties  of points.  These tasks are meant to give you practice  with writing and using code in the SML module system.


You will implement the following functions for both implementations:


  • eq : point -> point -> bool. eq p1 p2 evaluates to true iff p1 and p2 represent the same point.


  • ofCoords : (real * real) -> point. ofCoords(x,y) evaluates to the point rep- resenting those coordinates.


  • toCoords : point -> (real * real). toCoords(p) evaluates to the  coordinates represented  by p.


  • abs : point -> real. abs p evaluates to the absolute  value of the point,  which is defined as its distance  from the origin.


  • dist : point -> point -> real. dist p1 p2 evaluates  to  the  distance  between points p1 and p2.


Recall the following mathematical facts:

  • The distance between Cartesian  points (a, b) and (x, y) is p(a − x)2  + (b − y)2.
  • The distance between polar points (r1, θ1) and (r2, θ2 ) is pr2  + r2 − 2r1 r2(cos (θ1 − θ2)).

1          2


  • The angle (θ) of a polar coordinate is given by arctan(y/x)



Task 2.1  (4 pts).  Implement the Cartesian structure in points.sml such that  it ascribes to  POINTS. Note  that   values  of type  real cannot  be  compared  with  the  built-in  equals function.  Accordingly, you have been provided with an equality  function for values of type real * real that  may be useful to you. You may also find the function Math.sqrt useful.


Task 2.2  (4 pts).   Implement  the  Polar structure in points.sml such that  it ascribes to

POINTS. You may also find the functions Math.cos, Math.sin, and Math.atan2 useful.


Task 2.3  (7 pts).   Write  tests  for your two structures in TestPoints. In order to refer to any value in a structure, you must prefix the value’s name with the name of the structure it is contained  in. For example, if you want to test  your implementation of eq for Cartesian, the syntax  to use the function would be Cartesian.eq.  You must  test  your functions  this way. You will receive no credit if you open the structures.


3    Matrices


3.1     Matrix Signature


An n × m matrix  is a rectangular array  of elements  arranged  in n rows and  m columns. For this problem, assume that  all rows and columns are 0-indexed.  We will represent matri- ces using the abstract type matrix. The signature we will use here for matrices is as follows1.



signature VECTOR =



type elem type vector


val tabulate : (int -> elem) -> int -> vector val dotprod : vector * vector -> elem

val eq : vector * vector -> bool val length : vector -> int

val nth : vector * int -> elem end




signature MATRIX =



structure Vector : VECTOR


type elem = Vector.elem

type vector = Vector.vector type matrix


val tabulate : (int * int -> elem) -> int -> int -> matrix val update : matrix -> (int * int) -> elem -> matrix


val transpose : matrix -> matrix val identity : int -> matrix

val size : matrix -> (int * int)


1 This signature  is provided  in the file MATRIX.sig.



val add : matrix * matrix -> matrix

val subtract : matrix * matrix -> matrix


val row : matrix -> int -> vector val col : matrix -> int -> vector


val mult : matrix * matrix -> matrix val eq : matrix * matrix -> bool




The components  of this signature  have the following specifications:


  • Vector is a structure containing information  about  vectors.


–  elem represents  the type of elements in a vector (for purposes of this assignment, elem will simply be int, though very little would have to change for more general rings).

–  vector is an abstract type representing  the type of a vector.

–  tabulate f n creates a vector of dimension n where entry i is given by f i, with

0 ≤ i < n. (The dimension of a vector is the number of elements in the vector.)

–  dotprod (v,w) evaluates  to the scalar dot product  of two vectors v and w. If v and w are vectors containing  the same number of elements n, the dot product  of two vectors is defined as






For example:








X vi  · wi







1 , 5 = (2 · 1) + (1 · 5) + (0 · 0) = 7


0        0


–  length v returns  the dimension of the vector v, i.e., the number  of elements in


–  eq (v,w) returns true if the vector v is equal to the vector w and false otherwise.

–  nth (v, i) returns  the  ith  element  of vector  v, if it exists.  Its  behavior  is not defined if i is out-of-bounds.


  • elem represents the type of elements in the matrix.  Note that  this is defined to be the same type as the type of the elements in a vector.


  • vector is an abstract type representing  the  type  of vector in the  matrix,  e.g.  a row or a column.  Note that  this is defined to be the same type as the vector type in the Vector structure.


  • matrix is an abstract type representing the type of your matrix.


  • tabulate f n m creates an n × m matrix M where for each row i and column j, the element at mij  is f(i,j).


  • update M (i,j) v updates the element in M at row i and column j such that mij = v, assuming valid i and j, and returns  the new matrix.


  • transpose M returns the matrix  M T , the transpose  of M . The transpose  of a matrix

M is a matrix  M T  where the columns of M T  are the rows of M . For example:


1   2 T  =  1



1   2  T

3   4

1  2T

3  4

5   6

1   3

=  2   4


1   3   5

=  2   4   6



  • identity n returns the n × n identity  matrix In , in which all the elements on the main diagonal are 1 and all other elements are 0. For example:

1  0   0

I3 = 0  1   0

0   0   1


  • size M returns (n,m) if M is an n × m matrix.


  • add (A,B) returns the  sum of the matrix  A and the  matrix  B.  If A and B are valid matrices  with the same dimensions, the sum is a matrix  M  such that  for each row i and column j, mij = aij + bij . For example,


1  3

0   0

1 + 0   3 + 0

1  3


1  0 + 7  5 = 1 + 7   0 + 5 = 8  5


1   2          2   1

1 + 2   2 + 1          3   3



  • subtract (A,B) returns the difference of the matrix  A and the matrix  B.  If A and B are valid matrices  with the same dimensions, the difference is a matrix  M  such that for each row i and column j, mij = aij − bij . For example,


1  3

0   0

1 − 0   3 − 0

 1       3  


1  0 − 7  5 = 1 − 7   0 − 5 = ∼ 6   ∼ 5


1   2          2   1

1 − 2   2 − 1

∼ 1     1


  • row M i returns the ith row of the matrix  M in the form of a vector.


  • col M j returns the jth column of the matrix  M in the form of a vector.


  • mult (A,B) evaluates to the product of two matrices A and B.  If A is an n × m matrix and B is an m × p matrix,  their product  AB is an n × p matrix  whose entries are



(AB)ij  = X aik bkj



For example:




8     9      9

5   −1   20


10  2

40  8 =

9    0




521   88

190    2



You may find some of the previously implemented  functions helpful for implementing this.


  • eq (A,B) evaluates to true if A and B are the same matrix and false otherwise, e.g. for each row i and each column j, aij = bij .



3.2     FunMatrix


This implementation of matrices  will represent matrices  as functions  — FunMatrix is con- ceptually  a function  that  takes  a pair  (i, j) and  returns  the  element  at  row i and  column j.

However, this doesn’t tell you how big the matrix is; you can pass in any integer for (i, j), but  we need to know the  dimensions since we’re working with finite matrices.   To do this, we simply include the dimensions of a matrix  as part  of the matrix datatype. In particular, if we have an n × m matrix  where the  function  f represents  the  matrix  function,  then  we represent it with the value ((n,m),f) : (int * int) * (int -> int -> elem).

Note the function f may or may not be total,  but you should maintain  the invariant that

it returns  a value whenever you pass it indices within the bounds of the matrix.


Task 3.1 (20 pts).  Implement the structures FunVector and FunMatrix in funMatrix.sml. The type of elem in FunVector must  be int — all your testing functions may assume this to be true.



3.3     Glass-Box Testing


The  use of signatures  allows us to  test  our structure implementations via black-box  test- ing, a method  of testing  where the internal  implementation of the code is not visible to the tester.  We don’t yet have the machinery  to do this, so you’ll be doing glass-box testing : we ask that  you write your tests as if you aren’t aware of the internal  implementation.  This is


kind-of, sort-of like black-box testing,  except the  box is transparent, and we just  ask that you don’t look inside. Next week, you’ll see functors, which can be used for black-box testing.


In matrixTest.sml, you will need to test  all of the functions  you have implemented  in FunMatrix. In order to refer to a function in a structure, you must prefix the function name with  the  name  of the  structure it  is contained  in;  for example,  if you want to  test  your implementation of mult for FunMatrix, the syntax to call the function would be






Task 3.2 (10 pts).  Test your implementations of MATRIX in a structure named MatrixTests located  in matrixTest.sml. Be sure to test  every function  you implemented  FunMatrix. We have created  a structure called M in MatrixTests that  refers to your FunMatrix imple- mentation.  So when writing tests  use M to refer the code you wrote.  We should be able to change the definition of M to a different structure that  implements MATRIX without  breaking your tests.

You should write tests for every function in the MATRIX signature  We have also provided a function fromLList and vecFromList to help write your test  cases.


4    Representation Independence


4.1     Motivation


One key advantage  of abstract types  is that  they  enable local reasoning  about invariants : if there  is an invariant about  the values of an abstract type—e.g.  “this  tree is a red-black tree”—and  all of the operations  in a particular implementation of the signature  specifying that  type  preserve  that  invariant—e.g.   “insert  creates  a RBT  when given a RBT”—then any client code using that  implementation necessarily maintains  the invariant.  The reason is that  clients can only use the abstract type through  the operations  given in the signature, so if these operations  preserve the invariant all client code must as well.

In this problem, we will investigate a related question, allowing us to reason about several different implementations of the same abstract type.  Specifically, we want to know:


When  can we replace one implementation of a signature  with  another  without breaking any client code?


The  answer is not  as immediate  as it may seem.  Assuming all types in the  signature  are abstract, swapping implementations will produce a program that  still typechecks; it may or may not, however, be correct.

Informally, the answer is that  one can swap two implementations when they behave the same.  How do we model such similar behavior?  By defining a relation  R between the two implementations that  describes which values of one implementation we view as equivalent to values of the  other  implementation.  The  relation  must  respect  contextual  equivalence. We then  show that  the  relation  is preserved  by all operations  in the  signature.   In other words, if v1  is a value in one implementation and v2  is a value in the other implementation,

such that  v1  and v2  represent the same instance  (or extensionally  equivalent instances)2  of

an abstract type τ , then  we write R(v1 , v2).  If f is any function in the signature,  then  we

must show that  applying that  function to related  values produces related  values, meaning f

cannot behave differently in any way that  is observable through  the signature.  For instance, if f : τ  * τ  →  τ , then  we must  show that  R(f (v1, u1), f (v2, u2)) whenever R(v1, v2 ) and R(u1 , u2).



4.2     Queues


The  following implementation is different  from the  one in lecture,  but  the  high level ideas are the same.





2 In lecture,  we mentioned  abstraction functions  informally.  If we wrote  abstraction functions  more for- mally as mathematical functions,  then  we would say that R(v1 , v2 ) iff AF1 (v1 ) ∼= AF2 (v2 ) where AF1  maps values of our first implementation to instances  of our abstract type (e.g., lists of integers  to queues of inte-

gers) and  AF2   maps  values  of our second implementation to instances  of the  abstract types  (e.g.,  pairs  of lists to queues).


4.2.1     Signature


signature QUEUE=










type queue

val emp : queue

val ins : int * queue -> queue

val rem : queue -> (int * queue) option



In this signature3,


  • emp represents the empty queue.


  • ins adds an element to the back of a queue.


  • rem removes the element at the front of the queue and returns it with the remainder of the queue, or NONE if the queue is empty.


Taken together,  these three values codify the familiar “first-in-first-out” behavior of a queue.



4.2.2     Implementations


We have given two implementations of this signature  in the file queues.sml.


LQ The first implementation represents  a queue with a list where the first element of the list is the front of the queue.


New elements  are  inserted  by being appended  to  the  end  of the  list.   Elements  are removed by being pulled off the head of the list.  If the list is empty, we know that  the queue is empty,  so the removal fails.

This  implementation is slow in that  insertion  is always a linear  time  operation—we have to walk down the whole list each time we add a new element.

Note that  we also could have chosen to have front of the queue be the last element of the list, but  then  removal would be linear time and we’d have the same problem—we can’t escape the fact that  one of these operations  will be constant time and the other will be linear.


LLQ The second implementation represents  a queue with a pair of lists.  One list stores the front of the queue, while the other  list stores the back of the queue in reverse order. The split between “front”  and “back”  here can be anywhere in the queue; it depends on the sequence of operations  that  have been applied to the queue.


New elements are inserted  by being put at the head of the reversed back of the queue. Elements  are removed in one of two ways:


3 Provided  in queues.sml.


  1. If the front list is not empty, the front of the queue is its head, so we peel it off and return it.


  1. If the front list is empty, we reverse the reversed back list—now bringing it into order—make that the new front list, take an empty  list as the back list, and try remove again on the pair of them.


If both  the  front  and reversed back are empty,  we know that  the  queue is empty,  so the removal fails.


If we assume  that   reverse  is implemented  efficiently, this  implementation  needs  to do a linear time operation  on removal sometimes but  not every time.  Therefore,  this represents a substantial speed up in the average case over the one-list implementation.4


To get an intuition  for how these  implementations work consider the  following actions linked together  in sequence, stated  formally in queueEx.sml:


hins 1, ins 2, ins 3, rem, ins 4, rem, rem, rem, remi


Figure 1 shows the internal  state  of each representation through  this sequence.



4.2.3     Relation


The relation that  shows these two implementations are interchangeable flattens the two-lists representation into the one-list representation. We define the relation R between int lists (that reduce to values) and pairs of int lists (that reduce to values) by:


R(L:int list, (f,b):int list * int list)       iff       L ∼= f@(rev b).


R respects extensional  equivalence:  if L ∼= L’, (f,b) ∼= (f’,b’), and R(L, (f,b)), then

R(L’, (f’,b’)).


















4 In particular, you can show that if you can reverse a list in linear time, the two-lists implementation has amortized constant time  insert  and remove, while the  one-list implementation will always have at least one operation  that’s  always linear  time.  We won’t cover amortized analysis  in this  class, but  it’s based  on the idea of “expensive  things  that don’t happen  very often can be considered  cheap.”







→ 1                                           → 2                  → 3                 → 4                 → NONE


























        1   2   2   3   3
    1   2   3   3   4   4   4


→                     →












→ 1                                            → 2                  → 3                 → 4                 → NONE




























              2     2   2         2                        
        1     1     1   3         3 4   3 4     4          
f b   f b   f b   f b   f   b     f b   f b   f b   f b   f









3                                                                                                   4

f       b                                                                                           f       b











Figure 1: Queue Example


Showing that  this  relation  is respected  by both  implementations for all the  values  in

QUEUE amounts  to proving the following theorem:


Theorem 1.


(i.)  The empty queues are related:


R(LQ.emp, LLQ.emp)


(ii.)  Insertion  preserves relatedness:


For  all x:int, l:int list, f:int list, b:int list


If R(l, (f, b)), then R(LQ.ins(x, l), LLQ.ins(x, (f, b)))


(iii.)  On related queues, removal gives equal integers  and related queues:


For all l:int list, f:int list, b:int list, if R(l, (f, b)) then one of the following is true:


(a)  LQ.rem l ∼=  NONE and  LLQ.rem (f,b) ∼=  NONE

(b)  There  exist x:int, y:int, l’:int list, f’:int list, b’:int list, such that i.  LQ.rem l ∼=  SOME(x,l’)

  1. LLQ.rem (f,b) ∼= SOME(y,(f’,b’))

iii.  x ∼= y

  1. R(l0, (f 0, b0 ))



Task 4.1 (25 pts).  Prove Theorem  1. Here are some guidelines, hints, and assumptions:


  • Be sure to carefully state your assumptions  and goals in each case, especially the two cases where you’re proving an implication.


  • You may use the following lemmas without proof, but you must carefully cite all uses.


Lemma 1.  For  all l1:’a list, l2:’a list, l3:’a list,


(l1 @ l2) @ l3 ∼= l1 @ (l2 @ l3)

Lemma 2.  For  all l:’a list, [] @ l ∼= l

Lemma 3.  For  all l:’a list, l @ [] ∼= l


Lemma 4.  For  all x:int, y:int, p:int list, q:int list,


if  x::p ∼= y::q, then  x ∼= y and  p ∼= q


  • You may assume without proof that  @, rev, and all of the functions in both structures are total.


  • When you need to step through code, assume that  @ and rev are given by the code in the structures. 5


  • We can prove that any call to LLQ.rem results in at most one recursive call to LLQ.rem, so you do not  need induction  to prove case (iii).
















































5 This implementation of rev is not the fast tail recursive reverse implementation


foldl op:: []


but  it is extensionally  equivalent  to it.  All you would need to go from a proof of Theorem  1 for LLQ with this  slow reverse to a proof for LLQ with  fast reverse is a proof of their  equivalence,  so we don’t  really lose anything. The proof of Theorem  1 is substantially more straight-forward this way, so it’s a nice assumption to make.


5    Decision Trees


There  are many problems  in computer  science that  can be represented  by a decision tree. You have already  seen several examples,  such as subset  sum and  matrix  combination.   In the example of tree pathfinding,  the decision tree follows from the tree datatype, whereas in subset sum or matrix  combination,  the decision tree is not as obvious.

For example, one search problem you could do is searching for a way to combine a set of matrices  into a target  matrix  using multiplication and addition.   Here is a decision tree for combining three  matrices  a, b, c, from left to right using addition  and multiplication, while keeping track  of partial  results:












a+b                                        a∗b























We would say that  the tree contains  the matrices  a, a + b, a ∗ b, (a + b) + c, (a + b) ∗ c, (a ∗ b) + c, and (a ∗ b) ∗ c, since these 7 combinations  appear  as we make decisions.

You can see that  the tree to search for a matrix  combination  is very similar to the tree to search for the path  to a specific tree element, even though  these problems may seem like they have nothing  in common In particular, if we imagine combining the matrices

At various times in the semester you’ve had to write or use special-purpose search trees. With  structures, we can define and solve an abstract version of this problem, and thus only have to write the code once.

The following signature  defines a searchable problem.


signature SEARCHABLE =













type stree type elem

type decision

type result = decision list

val branch : stree -> (decision * stree) list val atRoot: (elem * stree) -> bool



  • The abstract type stree represents the data  we are searching through.


  • The abstract type elem represents an element we are searching for.


  • The abstract type decision represents the different decisions we could make.


  • result represents a list of decisions (e.g., go straight, then  left, then  right;  or Add, then  Multiply,  then  Add).


  • The function branch takes in an stree and gives us all possible decisions that we could make from that  search tree.


  • atRoot takes an element and a search tree and tells us if we have found that element at the root of the search tree.


If you are confused as to why branch returns  a list and not a pair of decisions, remember that  we could have  more than  two  decisions at  any  given point.   In the  matrix  example above,  we only considered addition  and  multiplication.  However, if we added  subtraction and division to the mix, the decision tree would no longer be binary.  In that  case, we would need a quaternary decision tree.   Since decision problems  vary  in the  number  of possible decisions at a given node in a decision tree, it is nice to have a general way of determining all of the decisions and searching through  them.


Here is an example of a searchable problem:


structure Tree =


datatype ’a tree = Empty

| Node of ’a tree * ’a * ’a tree datatype decision = Left | Right

type elem = int

type stree = int tree

type result = decision list fun branch Empty = []

| branch (Node (l,x,r)) = [(Left,l),(Right,r)]

fun atRoot (j,Node (_,x,_)) = (j = x)

| atRoot _ = false



Here, you can see that  the decision is to go left or right and when we branch,  we re- member if we turned  left or right.  Also note that  we do not ascribe the Tree structure to the SEARCHABLE signature.   If we did, we would not be able to generate  any values of type tree since the datatype would not be visible outside of the Tree structure.


Your task in this section will be to write a structure searches a decision problem.  The way this this will work is you will implement the Search structure which contains  a structure P that  implements the SEARCHABLE signature.  The structure P represents  the decision problem


that  the Search structure will decide. Even though you will know the specific implementation of P, you  must  implement  the  functions  in  Search only using  the  information  given by the SEARCHABLE signature.   This way, we can change the implementation of the searchable structure that  is in Search and still have a working implementation of Search.


Task 5.1 (15 pts).  Implement the function find_help in decision/search.sml. Remember to use the information  given by the SEARCHABLE signature  when using the structure P.


Task 5.2 (7 pts).  In decision/shrub.sml implement the structure Shrub which represents searching for a path  in ternary  shrubs.


Task 5.3 (8 pts).  In decision/combinations.sml implement the structure Combinations which represents  searching  for a way to combine integers  with addition,  subtraction, mul- tiplication,  and  division.  Remember,  division can raise the  Div exception.   (Think  of the integers  as given in a list;  the  search  combines them  from left to  right in different ways, keeping track  of partial  results.)


A  note on  testing: You are still required  to write methodology  and testing  for all of your functions.   Once you have completed  tasks  5.1, 5.2, and 5.3, try testing  Search with different  implementations of P. For  example,  try:  P = Shrub or P = Combinations. You should not have to change your implementation of Search for this to work.