Lab #13 Solution

$35.00 $24.00

1    Introduction   This  lab will give you some practice  with lazy programming,  which you saw in lecture  on Thursday.  With  lazy programming,  we can delay computation of values until  we actually need them.     1.1     Getting Started   Update your clone of the git repository to get the files for this week’s lab…

You’ll get a: . zip file solution




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1    Introduction


This  lab will give you some practice  with lazy programming,  which you saw in lecture  on Thursday.  With  lazy programming,  we can delay computation of values until  we actually need them.



1.1     Getting Started


Update your clone of the git repository to get the files for this week’s lab as usual by running


git pull


from the top level directory  (probably  named 15150).



1.2     Methodology


You should practice  writing  requires and ensures specifications, and tests  on the  functions you write on this assignment.  In particular, every function you write should have both specs and tests.



2    I’m  Too Lazy To Come Up  With a Title


In lecture we covered lazy lists – potentially infinite lists where we don’t compute an element until we need it.  In this lab we will revisit this datatype and write a few more functions that compute results from lazy datatypes.

Here is the datatype for lazy lists:


datatype ’a lazylist = Nil

| Cons of ’a * (unit -> ’a lazylist)


That  is, a list can be either empty or a pair containing  the first element of the list and a function we can call to get the rest of the list.  Because there’s a Nil constructor it’s possible

to create finite lists, but we can also create infinite lists by passing in an appropriate function to the Cons constructor.

For example, the function zeros from lecture


fun zeros () = Cons (0, zeros)


returns  a lazy list containing  infinitely many 0’s.

In contrast, this function


fun decreasing 0 = Nil

| decreasing n = Cons(n, fn () => decreasing(n-1))


returns  a finite lazy list consisting of the integers n, …, 1 in decreasing order (assuming n > 0;

if n = 0, the function returns  Nil; if n < 0, the function returns  an infinite lazy list).


Task 2.1 (Warmup) Write a function lazy_append : ’a lazylist * ’a lazylist -> ’a lazylist. This function  expects two lazy lists and returns  a lazy list consisting of all the elements of

the first lazy list followed by all the elements of the second lazy list.  The lazy lists involved may be finite or infinite.  Please note the type of this function is subtly  different than  what was discussed in lecture.


In examining lazy lists produced by your code, you may find the following function useful.


(* take(L, n) returns the first n elements of L, now as a regular

list, unless L has fewer than n elements, in which case take raises Fail.


fun take (L : ’a lazylist, 0 : int) : ’a list = nil

| take (Nil, _) = raise Fail “tried to take from a Nil lazylist”

| take (Cons(x, f), n) = x::take(f(), n-1)



As you might guess, it’s tricky  to take the length  of a potentially-infinite list – if we do it naively you can expect to spend a very long time walking the list! To get around  this, we can use a lazy representation of natural  numbers  to store the result of our length function:


datatype lazynat = Zero | Succ of unit -> lazynat


This  is another  version of the  Peano  natural numbers  This  definition  means a natural number  can be either zero or one plus some other  number.  The only difference is that  now we compute “the other number”  lazily. Here are some examples of lazy nats:


(* returns the lazy representation of infinity *)

fun infinity () = Succ infinity


(* This means 2 + infinity, which is still infinity *)

val silly_infinity = Succ (fn () => Succ (fn () => silly_infinity))


(* Lazy representation of 2 *)

val two = Succ (fn () => Succ (fn () => Zero))


Task 2.2  Now write a function lazy_length : ’a lazylist -> lazynat that  computes the length of a lazy list.  This function must terminate even if the list is infinite.


Task 2.3  It’s kind of boring if all we can do is take  the length  of a list,  so let’s consider some other operations  on lazy nats.


Why  might  it be a bad  idea to try and  write a function  lazy_to_int that  converts  a lazy nat  to an int?


Task 2.4 Instead,  write a comparison function, lazy_cmp: lazynat -> int -> order that returns  whether  the  given lazy nat  is less than, equal to or greater  than  the given integer. Note that  only one argument is lazy.  This function must  terminate even if the given nat  is infinite.  You may assume the integer argument is nonnegative.


Task 2.5  For the sake of completeness,  write a function int_to_lazy : int -> lazynat

that  converts an integer to a lazy nat.  You may assume the argument is nonnegative.




Have the TAs check your work before proceeding!






3    Games


Once you have finished the section on lazy lists and a TA has checked your work, spend the remainder  of the lab working on homework 11.