Machine Learning Homework #1 Solution

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For data  (x, y) with  a joint distribution p(x, y) = p(y|x)p(x),  the  expected  loss of a function  f (x)  to model y using loss function  l(f (x), y) is given by     E [l(f (x), y)] = Z    Z   x       y   l(f (x), y)p(y|x) p(x)dx   (a)  (7 points)  What  is…

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  1. For data  (x, y) with  a joint distribution p(x, y) = p(y|x)p(x),  the  expected  loss of a function  f (x)  to model y using loss function  l(f (x), y) is given by



E [l(f (x), y)] =

Z    Z


x       y


l(f (x), y)p(y|x)



(a)  (7 points)  What  is the optimal  f (x)  when l(f (x), y) = (f (x) − y)2

(b)  (8 points)  What  is the  optimal  f (x)  when l(f (x), y) = |f (x) − y)|, where |.| represents absolute value.


  1. (15 Points) For data with joint distribution p(y, x) with y an M -valued discrete  target variable.  Show that the error rate  of the Bayes optimal  classifier for class y = Cj  is given by:


err [y = Cj ] =  X





p(Cj |x)p(x)dx −




p(Cj |x)p(x)dx


where Rk is the region of x where p(yk |x) > p(yi |x)∀i = k



Please show all your work! Answers to the first two problems without supporting work will not be given credit.


Programming assignments:  The next  two problems  involve programming. We will be considering two datasets for these assignments:


(a)  Boston  Housing:  The  Boston  housing dataset comes prepackaged with  scikit-learn.   The  dataset has 506 points,  13 features,  and 1 target (response)  variable.  You can find more information about the dataset here: delve/data/boston/bostonDetail.html

Where the first 13 variables  are attributes, and the median  home value (variable  14) is the target.



f r o m   s k l e a r n . d a t a s e t s   i m p o r t  l o a d  b o s t o n b o s t o n  = l o a d  b o s t o n ( )

While  the  original  dataset is for a regression  problem,  we will create  two  classification  datasets for the  homework.  Note that you only need to modify the  target t to create  these  classification datasets, and the attribute data  X  should not be changed.

  1. Target = HomeVal50 Create  a binary  target variable by thresholding at the 50th percentile  of the target scores.  Note by construction the proportions of the two classes are equal (π = 1/2).

(b)  Handwritten Digits  This  is a version  of the  classic handwritten digit  dataset.  The  dataset has

1797 points,  64 features,  and 10 classes corresponding  to ten numbers  0, 1, . . . , 9.

f r o m   s k l e a r n . d a t a s e t s   i m p o r t  l o1a d  d i g i t s d i g i t s  = l o a d  d i g i t s ( )





Besides loading from scikit, these two  datasets are also  provided on  Moodle course page in  csv  format.  The last column shows target  values.  A  target value is  either discrete (e.g., class label) or  continuous (e.g., house price) and it is what we  are trying to predict or  classify. All  other columns are data values. Each row is an input point.


  1. (30 points) Use Fishers  linear discriminant analysis  (LDA) for this problem.  The problem  will require you to explain,  and  implement  the  key equations  for the  discrimant  directions  w~ k , answer  questions about  these equations  and use the key equations  from Gaussian  generative  modeling to code a classifier. Prediction error of the resulting  classifier needs to be assessed by training and evaluating the following classifiers using 10-fold cross-validation:



(a)  (10 points)  For  the  HomeVal50  dataset, apply  LDA in the  general  case,  i.e.,  both  SB and  SW computed from the data,  to project  data  to R (one dimension).   Histogram  the projected  points. Are the  data  well-modeled by a linear  discriminant? Justify  your answer  carefully,  simple yes or no yields no credit.

(b)  (5 points)  Using LDA, can you project the Boston50 data  to R2 (two dimensions)?  Clearly justify your answer with technical  details.  (A simple yes/no  answer will receive zero credit.)

(c)  (15 points)  For the Digits dataset, apply LDA in the general case, i.e., both SB and SW  computed from the data,  to project  data  to R2  (two dimensions)  by using two eigenvectors,  followed by bi- variate  Gaussian  generative  modeling  to do 10-class classification,  i.e., by estimating and  using class priors πk   and parameters (µk , Ck , k = 1, . . . , 10.

You will have to submit:

  1. Summary of Methods and Results Briefly describe  the  approaches in (a),  (b)  and  (c) above,  along with  relevant equations.   Also, report  the  training and  test  set error  rates  and standard deviations  from 10-fold cross validation for the methods  on the dataset in part  (c).
  2. Code for each algorithm implemented: For  part  (a),  you will have to submit  code for LDA1dProjection(filename,num  crossval)(main  file).   This  main  file has  input:   a  filename including  extension  (exactly  the  same  as your  downloaded  file) and  absolute  path  (e.g.,  in Unix:  /home/mywork/boston.csv).  The  content of input  data  must  be exactly  the  same as downloaded file, or load from scikit (Juypter notebook) and generates:  a plot of the histograms of projected  points,  separately for both  classes (20 bins).

For part  (b),  you will have to submit  code for LDA2dGaussGM(filename,numcrossval), with inputs:   (1) filename as before (2) the  number  of folds for cross-validation, and  output:  (1) the training and test  set error rates and standard deviations  printed to the terminal  (stdout).


  1. (40 points) The goal is compare simple generative  and discriminative classifiers on the learning curves using  the  HomeVal50  and  Digits  datasets.  For  background, see “On  Discriminative vs.  Generative Classifiers:  A comparison  of logistic regression and naive Bayes” by A. Ng and M. Jordan, available  in moodle.  You will train  and evaluate  two classifiers on both  datasets:


(a)  (20  points) Logistic regression (LR),  and

(b)  (20  points) Naive-Bayes  with marginal  Gaussian  distributions (GNB)


(a)  Evaluation Evaluation will be done using 10 random  class-specific 80-20 train-test splits, i.e., for each class, pick 80% of the data  at random  for training, train  a classifier using training data  from all classes, use the remaining  20% of the data  from each class as testing,  and repeat  this process

10 times.  We will be doing a learning  curve, similar to the Ng-Jordan paper.

(b)  Code For logistic regression, you will have to implement the Iterately Reweighted  Least Squares algorithm as a function  with the form


l o g i s t i c R e g r e s s i o n ( f i l e n a m e ,   num   s p l i t s ,   t r a i n   p e r c e n t )


This  main  file has input:   (1) a filename including  extension,  (2) the  number  of 80-20 train-test splits  for evaluation, (3)  and  a  vector  containing   percentages of training data  to  be  used  for





training (use [10 25 50 75 100] for the plots),  and output: (1) test  set error rates  for each training set percent printed to the terminal  (stdout). The test  set error rates should include both the error rates  for each split for each training set percentage  as well as the mean of the test  set error rates across all splits for each training set percentage  (print the mean error rates  at the end).

For naive Bayes, you will have to submit  code for


n a i v e B a y e s G a u s s i a n ( f i l e n a m e ,  num   s p l i t s ,   t r a i n   p e r c e n t )


that implements feature  wise generative  Gaussian  Modeling, with all other  guidelines staying  the same.

(c)  Plots:   Your  plots  will be based  on 10 random  80-20 train-test splits.   For  each  split,  we will always evaluate  results  on the same test  set (20% of the data), while using increasing  percentages of the training set (80% of the data) for training. In particular, we will use the following training set percentages:   [10 25 50 75 100], so that for each 80-20 split,  we use 10%, 25%, all the  way up to 100% of the  training set for training, and  always report  results  on the  same test  set.  We will repeat  the process 10 times, and plot the mean and standard deviation  (as error bars)  of the test set errors as a function  of training set percentage.

(d)  Summary: You will have to submit  a summary  of methods  and results

  1. Briefly describe the approaches for Logistic Regression and Naive Bayes, including key equa- tions modeling the data  log likelihood and the (iterative) equations  for parameter estimation.
  2. For each dataset and method,  create  a plot  of the  test  set error  rate  illustrating the  relative performance  of the  two  methods  with  increasing  number  of training points.   The  plots  will be similar in spirit  to Figure  1 in the  Ng-Jordan paper,  along with error-bars with standard deviation  of the errors.


Additional instructions: Code can only be written in Python or Matlab;  no other programming languages will be accepted.  One should be able to execute  all programs  from matlab/python command  prompt or the code can be a jupyter notebook.  Your code must  be runnable on a CSE lab machine.


Please specify instructions on how to run your program  in the README  file. Information on the size of the  datasets, including  number  of data  points  and  dimensionality of features,  as well as number  of classes can be readily extracted from the dataset text  file. Each function  must  take the inputs  in the order specified in the  problem  and  display  the  textual output via the  terminal. The  input  data  file for your function  must be exactly  the same as the original downloaded  file, which will be used as input  for grading.  For each part, you can submit  additional files/functions (as needed)  which will be used by the main file.


For this assignment  note whether you  are allowed to use  scikit code. If indicated, you cannot use machine  learning  libraries  such as those available  from scikit-learn  for learning  the  models or for cross- validation.  However,  you may  always  use libraries  for basic matrix  computations.  Put  comments  in your code so that one can follow the key parts  and steps in your code.






Submission Instructions:

Follow the rules strictly. If we cannot  run your code, you will not get any credit. Things  to submit:


  1. hw1.pdf:  A document which  contains  the  solution  to  Problems  1, 2, 3, and  4 which including  the summary  of methods  and results.


  1. LDA1dProject: Code for Problem 3.


  1. logisticRegression and naiveBayesGauss: Code for Problem  4.


  1. README.txt: README  file that contains  your  name,  student ID,  email,  in- structions on how to compile (if necessary)  and run your code, any assumptions you are making,  and any other  necessary  details.


  1. Any other files, except  the data,  which are necessary  for your code.