Robotics Assessment #I Solution

$35.00 $24.00

1    Overview   This assessment will evaluate  your ability  to perform path  planning  and localisation.  It aims to evaluate  the following two learning  outcomes:   Familiarity with Path planning algorithms.   Ability to implement robot localisation.   Integrate with RViz to visualise your robot in the world.   Good ROS programming practices.   Your robot…

You’ll get a: . zip file solution




5/5 – (2 votes)

1    Overview


This assessment will evaluate  your ability  to perform path  planning  and localisation.  It aims to evaluate  the following two learning  outcomes:


  • Familiarity with Path planning algorithms.


  • Ability to implement robot localisation.


  • Integrate with RViz to visualise your robot in the world.


  • Good ROS programming practices.


Your robot  will operate  within  the stage simulator, which can be run using the command rosrun stage_ros stageros ‘rospack find stage_ros‘/world/ to use the willow-erratic  map.  A different map is provided  below.


2    Practicalities


The due date  for this assessment is 5pm on Friday  the 28th of October.  Handing  in up to 24 hours late will incur a 10% penalty, while handing  in up to 7 days late will incur a 25% penalty. After that, you will receive

0 for the assessment.

Please be aware of the University’s  policy on Plagiarism, ensure that all work is your own, and that any sources you use are acknowledged.   Additionally, please make sure that all source code you hand  in follows programming best practices  and is well documented.

This  assessment will count for  55% of your  overall  course  mark.    You  may  work  in  teams  of 2,  or individually. If you work in a team,  please include a short  text  file describing  who did what  in the  project. You may also tell me if you feel your partner is not  pulling their  weight.  If you work individually, you will gain an automatic 10% bonus to your final mark.



3    Preliminaries


  1. You will need to install the map server ( sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-map-server for indigo, or ros-kinetic-map-server for kinetic).


  1. Please download the zip file from the assessment page on myAberdeen  which contains


  • A .world file (for stage)
  • A map image file (map.png)


  • A .yaml file for the map server
  • A python node ( This  node publishes  a topic,  /noisy base scan which you will need to use instead  of /base scan in your code.
  • A launch file (r.launch).


  1. The r.launch file will start up ROS, the map server a static  transform and stage using the appropriate map (assuming  you put  everything  in the /home/viki directory, otherwise,  please edit the yaml file).


  1. The static  transform creates  a /map frame which can be used in RViz.  If you prefer,  you can edit the launch  file to use fake localization as per practical 3.


  1. Start up RViz  (just  type rviz) and  play  around  with  it.   For  example,  try  to  add  the  map  to  the display,  as well as the  various  frames  of reference.   To  do this,  choose ”Add”  on the  left hand  part of the  window and  choose the  appropriate item.  You may need to type in the  correct  frame/topic to make this work.



4    Tasks


4.1     Task 1


Implement a ROS node that subscribes  to /base pose ground truth and broadcasts a transform as a child of the  /map frame  called  /real robot pose.  Then  use this  information to  create  a marker  on the  RViz window,  displaying  the  robot’s  true  location  and  orientation.  You should  also display  the  robot’s  pose, as obtained from odometry  information, within RViz, enabling me to see the difference between where the robot is, and where it believes it is.


4.2     Task 2


The  main  aim of this  assessment is to have your robot  visit various  points  in the  world.  The  only problem is that it’s going to have been kidnapped at the start…

The aim of this task  is to perform robot  localisation.  You may implement either  a EKF  or particle  filter based  localisation  algorithm to  address  this  task,  or utilise  an  existing  library.   The  task  will be deemed successful  when  the  robot  goes to  a start point,  as given by  the  parameter /start pos (passed  as a list [x, y]). You should create a marker  when the robot reaches the start, as we will need to measure the distance between  the actual  start and where it thinks  it is.

Alternatively, you can choose to solve a non-kidnapped version of the problem,  in which case you should read the parameter robot start which will be passed as a [x, y, θ] triple.


4.3     Task 3


Your robot  will be passed  a sequence of 6 points  from the  parameter server,  p1, p6, again  passed  as a list. From  the  start position,  your robot  must  visit these  6 points  (in any order  you choose).  Additionally, you must  display these 6 points and the path  you choose to follow on RViz, and also display the path  your robot actually  followed (using what  you implemented in Task  1).  Markers  need to be dropped  at each location  by your robot.

You may also prefer to do this task with no odometric  noise (i.e., if you haven’t  had much luck with task



As an extra  challenge, you may wish to implement a local obstacle avoidance  algorithm to avoid obstacles


detected  but  not shown on the map you’ve been given.


5    Marking


Marking  of this  assessment  will take  place  in  the  practicals of Monday  the  7th  and  Tuesday  the  8th  of

November.  You will receive 20 marks  for achieving  Task  1.

Achieving Task 2 will give you 20 marks if you utilise existing ROS stacks,  or 30 marks if you implement the  localisation  yourself.  Achieving  this  task  with  a known initial  starting pose will reduce  the  marks  you receive by 10.

Task  3 is worth  50 marks.   Utilising  existing  ROS  stacks  will reduce  this  to  30 marks,  and  doing this task  with no sensor or odometric noise will reduce your possible maximal  mark  by another  10 points.  Note that I expect you to utilise path  planning  here in the first instance  – solving this problem purely with a local obstacle  avoidance  algorithm is possible,  but  will reduce  marks  by another  10 points.   On the  other  hand, combining  path  planning  with  a local obstacle  avoidance  algorithm (and  assuming  that you implemented both  yourself ) will add 20 points  to your mark.

Note  that marks  will be deducted  if your  robot  wanders  too  far  from  the  optimal  (or  planned) path, believes it  is at  a goal when it  is far away,  etc  (these  will be judged  somewhat  subjectively,  but  you can assume  that a 20cm error  will cost  you  one mark,  40cm two  marks,  etc,  for each  part  of the  mark,  i.e., moving far away from the optimal  line could cost several marks,  as could being far away from the goal).



6    Hints


  • Both sensor and odometer noise will be present,  take  a look at the files to see how much noise exists.


  • Don’t forget your robot has a physical size.


  • There might be a faster way to reach the points  than  visiting  them  in order.


  • N.B. I may  change  some  of the  parameters (e.g.,  noise,  penalties   for  time/distance) during  the assessment.  Parameters like noise will be stabilised  quickly, but you should make sure you can change them  easily in your code.